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38 Special Ammo

3,328 Results Found. Page 13 of 67

Free to High
Description Grains FPS Rounds Price PPR
Retailer Updated
lier & Bellot (S&B) SB38B 148 Grain .38 Special 699 Fps Ammo Sellier & Bellot (S&B) SB38B 148 Grain .38 Special 699 FpsSellier & Bellot (S&B) SB38B Ammo 148 Grain .38 Special 699 Fps 148gr n/a 500 $226.40 $0.45 Sentry Ammo
24s !
tech 38U Cowboy Action Lead Flat Nose 125 Grain .38 Special 920 Fps Ammo Magtech 38U Cowboy Action Lead Flat Nose 125 Grain .38 Special 920 FpsMagtech 38U Cowboy Action Lead Flat Nose Ammo 125 Grain .38 Special 920 Fps 125gr n/a 50 $22.65 $0.45 AmmoASAP
14s !
 38spl 158gr Lrn 50/1000 Ammo S&b 38spl 158gr Lrn 50/1000S&b 38spl Ammo 158gr Lrn 50/1000 158gr n/a 50 $22.66 $0.45 Tactical Surplus USA
9s !
tech 38B Range/Training 38 Special 148 Gr Lead Wadcutter (LDWC) Ammo Magtech 38B Range/Training 38 Special 148 Gr Lead Wadcutter (LDWC)Magtech 38B Range/Training 38 Special Ammo 148 Gr Lead Wadcutter (LDWC) 148gr n/a 1,000 $453.49 $0.45 Fast Ammo
29s !
tech 38B Range/Training 38 Special 148 Gr Lead Wadcutter (LDWC) Ammo Magtech 38B Range/Training 38 Special 148 Gr Lead Wadcutter (LDWC)Magtech 38B Range/Training 38 Special Ammo 148 Gr Lead Wadcutter (LDWC) 148gr n/a 1,000 $453.49 $0.45 AmmoASAP
22s !
Sellier & Bellot Subsonic Centerfire Cartridge FMJ Ammo 38 Special - Sellier & Bellot Subsonic Centerfire Ammo Cartridge FMJ - $12.95 FLAT RATE SHIPPINGSellier & Bellot Handgun Subsonic Centerfire Ammunition 38 Special Full Metal Jacket 158 Grain - 50.. 158gr n/a 50 $22.68 $0.45 GlobalOrdnance
58m !
Magtech Flat FMJ Ammo 38 Special - Magtech Flat FMJ - $12.95 FLAT RATE SHIPPINGMAGTECH 38SPL 125 FMJ FLAT 50/1000 UPC 754908184118 125gr n/a 50 $22.68 $0.45 GlobalOrdnance
1h !
Magtech Flat FMJ Ammo 38 Special - Magtech Flat FMJ - $12.95 FLAT RATE SHIPPINGMAGTECH 38SPL Ammo 158GR FMJ FLAT 50/1000 UPC 754908170210 158gr n/a 50 $22.68 $0.45 GlobalOrdnance
1h !
Magtech RangeTraining [MPN FMJ Ammo 38 Special - Magtech RangeTraining [MPN FMJMagtech .38 SPECIAL 38T Range/Training Ammo 130gr FMJ MPN 38T - 50 Rounds 130gr n/a 50 $22.69 $0.45 FirearmsDepot
58m !
ington 23771 UMC Value Pack Semi Jacketed Hollow Point 125 Grain .38 Special P 945 Fps Ammo Remington 23771 UMC Value Pack Semi Jacketed Hollow Point 125 Grain .38 Special P 945 FpsRemington 23771 UMC Value Pack Semi Jacketed Hollow Point Ammo 125 Grain .38 Special P 945 Fps 125gr n/a 500 $226.90 $0.45 Fast Ammo
22s !
Armscor Brass FMJ Ammo 38 Special - Armscor Brass FMJArmscor .38 Special Ammo 158GR FMJ NEW Brass - 250rd Pack 158gr n/a 250 $113.50 $0.45 2AWarehouse
14m !
SB Ammo 38 Special - SB AmmoSB Ammo .38 Special 158gr. Lead-RN50-Pack 158gr n/a 50 $22.71 $0.45 FoundryOutdoors
1h !
PPU SWCHP Ammo 38 Special - PPU SWCHP - $12.95 FLAT RATE SHIPPINGPPU PPH38SH 38SP 158 SWCHP 5010 UPC 8605003817536 158gr n/a 50 $22.75 $0.46 GlobalOrdnance
60m !
Ammo Winchester FMJ Ammo 38 Special - Ammo Winchester FMJ100 Rounds Of .38 Spl Ammo By Winchester - 130gr FMJ 130gr n/a 100 $45.50 $0.46 BulkAmmo
12m !
 383N Cowboy Action 148 Grain .38 Special 850 Fps Ammo HSM 383N Cowboy Action 148 Grain .38 Special 850 FpsHSM 383N Cowboy Action Ammo 148 Grain .38 Special 850 Fps 148gr n/a 1,000 $455.12 $0.46 Fast Ammo
22s !
scor 38spl 158gr Fmj 50/1000 Ammo Armscor 38spl 158gr Fmj 50/1000Armscor 38spl Ammo 158gr Fmj 50/1000 158gr n/a 50 $22.76 $0.46 Tactical Surplus USA
9s !
ARM50449 Ammo Armscor 38spl 158gr Fmj 100/1200 - ARM50449Armscor 38spl Ammo 158gr Fmj 100/1200 - ARM50449 158gr n/a 100 $45.52 $0.46 Tactical Surplus USA
9s !
ila 1E382521 Target & Range Full Metal Jacket 130 Grain .38 Special 950 Fps Ammo Aguila 1E382521 Target & Range Full Metal Jacket 130 Grain .38 Special 950 FpsAguila 1E382521 Target & Range Full Metal Jacket Ammo 130 Grain .38 Special 950 Fps 130gr n/a 1,000 $455.50 $0.46 Sentry Ammo
24s !
Bulk Bronze - Bulk 38 Special - Bulk 132 Grain - Bulk FMJ Ammo PMC - Bulk Bronze - Bulk 38 Special - Bulk 132 Grain - Bulk FMJ 132.0gr n/a 500 $227.99 $0.46 True Shot Ammo
14m !
Remington UMC Metal Ammo 38 Special - Remington Ammo UMC MetalRemington Ammo UMC 38 Special Metal Case 130 Grain 250 Rounds 130gr n/a 250 $114.09 $0.46 AmmoFreedom
1h !
ington .38 Special 130 Gr Full Metal Jacket (FMJ) BUCKET Ammo Remington .38 Special 130 Gr Full Metal Jacket (FMJ) BUCKETRemington .38 Special Ammo 130 Gr Full Metal Jacket (FMJ) BUCKET 130gr n/a 1,200 $548.40 $0.46 Sentry Ammo
30s !
chester USA38SPVP USA 38 Special 130 Gr Full Metal Jacket (FMJ) Ammo Winchester Ammo USA38SPVP USA 38 Special 130 Gr Full Metal Jacket (FMJ)Winchester Ammo USA38SPVP USA 38 Special 130 Gr Full Metal Jacket (FMJ) 130gr n/a 1,000 $457.30 $0.46 Black Basin Outdoors
30s !
Prvi Partizan LRN Ammo 38 Special - Prvi Partizan Ammo LRNPrvi Partizan .38 Special Ammunition 50 Rounds LRN 158 Grains PPH38SL 158gr n/a 50 $22.89 $0.46 CheaperThanDirt
1h !
Prvi Partizan FMJ Ammo 38 Special - Prvi Partizan Ammo FMJPrvi Partizan .38 Special Ammunition 50 Rounds FMJ 130 Grains PPH38SF 130gr n/a 50 $22.89 $0.46 CheaperThanDirt
1h !
tech 38D Sport Shooting Range/Training Semi-Jacketed Soft Point Flat 125 Grain .38 Special 938 Fps Ammo Magtech 38D Sport Shooting Range/Training Semi-Jacketed Soft Point Flat 125 Grain .38 Special 938 FpsMagtech 38D Sport Shooting Range/Training Semi-Jacketed Soft Point Flat Ammo 125 Grain .38 Special.. 125gr n/a 50 $22.90 $0.46 Fast Ammo
24s !
Winchester [MPN FMJ Ammo 38 Special - Winchester [MPN FMJWinchester .38 SPECIAL Ammo 130gr FMJ - 100 Rounds MPN USA38SPVP 130gr n/a 100 $45.86 $0.46 FirearmsDepot
52m !
i Partizan PPUPPH38SL Lead Round Nose 158158 Grain .38 Special 902 Fps Ammo Prvi Partizan PPUPPH38SL Lead Round Nose 158158 Grain .38 Special 902 FpsPrvi Partizan PPUPPH38SL Lead Round Nose 158158 Grain .38 Special 902 Fps n/a n/a 50 $22.93 $0.46 Sentry Ammo
27s !
SWC Prvi Partizan Line HP Ammo 38 Special - SWC Prvi Partizan Line Ammo HP50 Round Box - 38 Special 158 Grain SWC HP Prvi Partizan Handgun Line Ammo - PPH38SH 158gr n/a 50 $22.95 $0.46 SGammo
11m !
tech 38D Sport Shooting Range/Training Semi-Jacketed Soft Point Flat 125 Grain .38 Special 938 Fps Ammo Magtech 38D Sport Shooting Range/Training Semi-Jacketed Soft Point Flat 125 Grain .38 Special 938 FpsMagtech 38D Sport Shooting Range/Training Semi-Jacketed Soft Point Flat Ammo 125 Grain .38 Special.. 125gr n/a 50 $22.95 $0.46 AmmoASAP
13s !
PMC FMJ Ammo 38 Special - PMC Ammo FMJ50 Round Box - 38 Special 132 Grain FMJ PMC Ammo - 38G 132gr n/a 50 $22.95 $0.46 SGammo
11m !
cchi 38LA Range Dynamics Pistol 38 Special 148 Gr Lead Wadcutter (LDWC) 50 Per Box/ 20 Cs Ammo Fiocchi 38LA Range Dynamics Pistol 38 Special 148 Gr Lead Wadcutter (LDWC) 50 Per Box/ 20 CsFiocchi 38LA Range Dynamics Pistol 38 Special Ammo 148 Gr Lead Wadcutter (LDWC) 50 Per Box/ 20 Cs 148gr n/a 50 $22.95 $0.46 AmmoASAP
12s !
scor FAC385N USA Competition Lead Round Nose Flat Point 158 Grain .38 Special 891 Fps Ammo Armscor FAC385N USA Competition Lead Round Nose Flat Point 158 Grain .38 Special 891 FpsArmscor FAC385N USA Competition Lead Round Nose Flat Point Ammo 158 Grain .38 Special 891 Fps 158gr n/a 500 $229.50 $0.46 Ammo Hero
22s !
cchi 38LA Range Dynamics Pistol 38 Special 148 Gr Lead Wadcutter (LDWC) 50 Per Box/ 20 Cs Ammo Fiocchi 38LA Range Dynamics Pistol 38 Special 148 Gr Lead Wadcutter (LDWC) 50 Per Box/ 20 CsFiocchi 38LA Range Dynamics Pistol 38 Special Ammo 148 Gr Lead Wadcutter (LDWC) 50 Per Box/ 20 Cs 148gr n/a 500 $229.50 $0.46 AmmoASAP
12s !
scor FAC385N USA Competition Lead Round Nose Flat Point 158 Grain .38 Special 891 Fps Ammo Armscor FAC385N USA Competition Lead Round Nose Flat Point 158 Grain .38 Special 891 FpsArmscor FAC385N USA Competition Lead Round Nose Flat Point Ammo 158 Grain .38 Special 891 Fps 158gr n/a 500 $229.50 $0.46 Black Basin Outdoors
21s !
Bulk Lead Sellier Bellot LFN Ammo 38 Special - Bulk Lead Ammo Sellier Bellot LFN1000 Round Case - 38 Special 158 Grain LFN Lead Bullet Ammo By Sellier Bellot - SB38L 158gr n/a 1,000 $459.00 $0.46 SGammo
11m !
scor FAC385N USA Competition Lead Round Nose Flat Point 158 Grain .38 Special 891 Fps Ammo Armscor FAC385N USA Competition Lead Round Nose Flat Point 158 Grain .38 Special 891 FpsArmscor FAC385N USA Competition Lead Round Nose Flat Point Ammo 158 Grain .38 Special 891 Fps 158gr n/a 1,000 $459.00 $0.46 Ammo Hero
22s !
cchi 38LA Range Dynamics Pistol 38 Special 148 Gr Lead Wadcutter (LDWC) 50 Per Box/ 20 Cs Ammo Fiocchi 38LA Range Dynamics Pistol 38 Special 148 Gr Lead Wadcutter (LDWC) 50 Per Box/ 20 CsFiocchi 38LA Range Dynamics Pistol 38 Special Ammo 148 Gr Lead Wadcutter (LDWC) 50 Per Box/ 20 Cs 148gr n/a 1,000 $459.00 $0.46 AmmoASAP
12s !
Bulk Blazer FMJ +P Ammo 38 Special - Bulk Ammo Blazer FMJ +P1000 Rounds Of .38 Spl P Ammo By Blazer - 158gr FMJ 158gr n/a 1,000 $459.00 $0.46 BulkAmmo
12m !
Bulk Inc TMJ Ammo 38 Special - Bulk Ammo Inc TMJ1000 Rounds Of .38 Spl Ammo By Ammo Inc. - 158gr TMJ 158gr n/a 1,000 $459.00 $0.46 BulkAmmo
12m !
scor FAC385N USA Competition Lead Round Nose Flat Point 158 Grain .38 Special 891 Fps Ammo Armscor FAC385N USA Competition Lead Round Nose Flat Point 158 Grain .38 Special 891 FpsArmscor FAC385N USA Competition Lead Round Nose Flat Point Ammo 158 Grain .38 Special 891 Fps 158gr n/a 1,000 $459.00 $0.46 Black Basin Outdoors
21s !
 38spl 148gr Wc 50/1200 Ammo S&b 38spl 148gr Wc 50/1200S&b 38spl Ammo 148gr Wc 50/1200 148gr n/a 50 $22.96 $0.46 Tactical Surplus USA
9s !
SCOR .38 Special 158 Gr Full Metal Jacket (FMJ) Ammo ARMSCOR .38 Special 158 Gr Full Metal Jacket (FMJ)ARMSCOR .38 Special Ammo 158 Gr Full Metal Jacket (FMJ) 158gr n/a 1,000 $459.44 $0.46 Ammo Hero
18s !
Bulk 100 Rounds Ammo Armscor .38 Special 158gr FMJ Ammo - Bulk 100 RoundsArmscor .38 Special 158gr FMJ Ammo - 100 Rounds 158gr n/a 1,000 $459.44 $0.46 Black Basin Outdoors
30s !
 Usa 38spl 130gr Fmj 50/500 Ammo Win Usa 38spl 130gr Fmj 50/500Win Usa 38spl Ammo 130gr Fmj 50/500 130gr n/a 50 $22.98 $0.46 Tactical Surplus USA
9s !
 Usa Trgt 38spl 130gr Fmj 100/500 Ammo Win Usa Trgt 38spl 130gr Fmj 100/500Win Usa Trgt 38spl Ammo 130gr Fmj 100/500 130gr n/a 100 $45.97 $0.46 Tactical Surplus USA
9s !
53733 Box Of 50 Ammo Speer Lawman 38 Special Ammunition 125 Grain Total Metal Jacket - 53733 Box Of 50Speer Lawman 38 Special Ammunition 125 Grain Total Metal Jacket - 53733 Box Of 50 125gr 863 50 $22.99 $0.46 TargetSportsUSA
29s !
PPH38SL Ammo Prvi Partizan .38 Special LRN 158gr 50 Rounds Ammunition - PPH38SLPPU (Prvi Partizan) Is One Of The Oldest Largest And Most Versatile Ammunition Manufacturers In.. 158gr n/a 50 $22.99 $0.46 PalmettoStateArmory
1h !
tech Sport 38 Special 158 Grain Lead Round Nose Box Of 50 Ammo Magtech Sport 38 Special Ammo 158 Grain Lead Round Nose Box Of 50Magtech Sport 38 Special Ammo 158 Grain Lead Round Nose Box Of 50 158gr 755 50 $22.99 $0.46 TargetSportsUSA
29s !
lier & Bellot Handgun 38 Special 158 Grain LRN Box Of 50 Ammo Sellier & Bellot Handgun 38 Special Ammo 158 Grain LRN Box Of 50Sellier & Bellot Handgun 38 Special Ammo 158 Grain LRN Box Of 50 158gr 997 50 $22.99 $0.46 TargetSportsUSA
27s !
38 Special - 158 Grain - LRN Ammo Sellier & Bellot - 38 Special - 158 Grain - LRN 158.0gr n/a 50 $22.99 $0.46 True Shot Ammo
14m !