Why AmmoBuy?
Yes. We know there are a few other websites that do the same thing. However, most of those other websites are outdated and cumbersome to use. We have created AmmoBuy to be more user friendly while also giving a more modern feel. Lastly, we have made it a priority to ensure that each unit of ammo listed on AmmoBuy has the most up to date and accurate information possible.
How Can I Get My Ammo Listed On AmmoBuy?
In order for AmmoBuy to offer the best results, it is important that we collect ammo from as many websites as possible. If you have an online store and you would like your ammo listed on AmmoBuy. Please contact us and we can discuss the logistics with you. Please keep in mind that for each website we collect ammo from, we have to create a custom crawler script tailored to that specific site. Since each site is different, some sites may be much easier to collect ammo from than others. Since we have to spend so much time creating these custom scripts, we obviously give priority to websites with the most ammo.
How Can I Advertise On AmmoBuy?
Here on AmmoBuy we have many different advertising opportunities and ad spaces. For more information on these opportunities and ad spaces, please visit our advertising page. Once you have reviewed the possible ad spaces shown there, please contact us and we will provide you with a list of prices for the particular ad spaces you are interested in. If you have another idea for a custom ad space that isn't shown on our advertising page, we welcome your ideas and are willing to work with you to meet your marketing needs.
I Found Ammo On A Retailers Website Thats Not Listed On AmmoBuy. Why?
In an effort to ensure that all the information on each unit of ammo is as accurate as possible, we have implemented specific algorithms in our crawler scripts that will disable a specific unit of ammo if the information collected doesn't appear correct or if we are unable to extract specific pieces of information from that particular unit of ammo. This can be caused by many different conditions. Some being; inacurrate data on the retailers site, data listed in a way that differs from the normal patterns used on the retailers website and lastly, we may only crawl specific calibers on some sites due to the lack of consistency used to list ammo by the retailer. If you feel the ammo thats not listed on AmmoBuy should be listed. Please contact us and we will look into this for you.
Do I Have To Stay Logged-In To Receive Alerts?
You must be logged-in in order to receive the "on-site" alerts. However, you will still receive email alerts either way.