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CheaperThanDirt - Handgun Ammo

CheaperThanDirt Handgun Ammo. Page 23 of 27

Free to High
Description Grains FPS Rounds Price PPR
Retailer Updated
Federal Hydra-Shok Deep Ammo 40 S&W - Federal Hydra-Shok Deep AmmoFederal Hydra-Shok Deep .40 S&W Ammo 165 Grain 165gr n/a 20 $38.35 $1.92 CheaperThanDirt
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Barnes VOR-TX Hunting SCHP XPB Ammo 45 Long Colt - Barnes VOR-TX Hunting Ammo SCHP XPBBarnes VOR-TX Hunting .45 Long Colt Ammunition 20 Rounds XPB SCHP 200 Grains 200gr n/a 20 $38.47 $1.92 CheaperThanDirt
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Underwood SWCHP +P Ammo 38 Special - Underwood Ammo SWCHP +PUnderwood Ammo .38 Special P 158 Grain SWCHP Ammunition 20 Rounds 158gr n/a 20 $38.51 $1.93 CheaperThanDirt
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Barnes Pioneer JSP Ammo 45 Long Colt - Barnes Pioneer Ammo JSPBarnes Pioneer .45 Colt Ammo 250 Grain JSP 250gr n/a 20 $38.51 $1.93 CheaperThanDirt
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Underwood Hi Tek Coated Hard Cast Flat Nose Projectile Ammo 45 Win Mag - Underwood Ammo Hi Tek Coated Hard Cast Flat Nose ProjectileUnderwood Ammo .45 Win Mag Ammunition 255 Grain Hi -Tek Coated Hard Cast Flat Nose Projectile 1400.. 255gr n/a 20 $38.51 $1.93 CheaperThanDirt
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DoubleTap DT Lead Free SCHP +P Ammo 45 ACP/Auto - DoubleTap DT Lead Free Ammo SCHP +PDoubleTap .45 ACP P 160 Grain DT Lead Free SCHP Ammunition 20 Rounds 160gr n/a 20 $38.60 $1.93 CheaperThanDirt
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HSM Pro Hunter LC Sierra JSP Ammo 45 Long Colt - HSM Pro Hunter LC Ammo Sierra JSPHSM Pro Pistol Hunter .45 LC Ammunition 20 Rounds 300 Grain Sierra JSP 300gr n/a 20 $38.66 $1.93 CheaperThanDirt
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HSM Bear Load WFN Ammo 454 Casull - HSM Bear Load WFNHSM Bear Load .454 Casull Ammo 325 Grain WFN 50 Round Box 325gr n/a 50 $96.70 $1.93 CheaperThanDirt
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Remington Golden Saber Bonded Brass JHP Ammo 45 ACP/Auto - Remington Golden Saber Bonded Ammo Brass JHPRemington Golden Saber Bonded .45 ACP Ammunition 20 Rounds 230 Grain Brass Jacketed Hollow Point.. 230gr n/a 20 $38.70 $1.94 CheaperThanDirt
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Federal Premium HST JHP +P Ammo 45 ACP/Auto - Federal Premium HST Ammo JHP +PFederal Premium HST .45 ACP P Ammo 230 Grain HST JHP 230gr n/a 20 $38.98 $1.95 CheaperThanDirt
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Federal Premium HST JHP Ammo 45 ACP/Auto - Federal Premium HST Ammo JHPFederal Premium HST .45 ACP Ammo 230 Grain HST JHP 230gr n/a 20 $38.98 $1.95 CheaperThanDirt
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Federal Fusion SP Projectile Ammo 10mm Auto - Federal Fusion Ammo SP ProjectileFederal Fusion Handgun 10mm Auto Ammunition 20 Round Box 200 Grain Fusion SP Projectile 1200 Fps 200gr n/a 20 $39.35 $1.97 CheaperThanDirt
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DoubleTap DT Tactical LC LF Barns TAC-XP HP Ammo 45 Long Colt - DoubleTap DT Tactical LC Ammo LF Barns TAC-XP HPDoubleTap DT Tactical .45 LC Ammunition 20 Rounds 160 Grain LF Barns TAC-XP HP 970fps 160gr n/a 20 $39.41 $1.97 CheaperThanDirt
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Speer Gold Dot Personal Protection GDHP Ammo 45 ACP/Auto - Speer Gold Dot Personal Protection Ammo GDHPSpeer Gold Dot Personal Protection .45 ACP Ammunition 20 Rounds 185 Grain GDHP 1050fps 185gr n/a 20 $39.47 $1.97 CheaperThanDirt
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Speer Gold Dot Short Barrel Personal Protection GDHP Ammo 45 ACP/Auto - Speer Gold Dot Short Barrel Personal Protection Ammo GDHPSpeer Gold Dot Short Barrel Personal Protection .45 ACP Ammunition 20 Rounds 230 Grain GDHP 820fps 230gr n/a 20 $39.47 $1.97 CheaperThanDirt
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Underwood SC Ammo 32 ACP - Underwood Ammo SCUnderwood Ammo .32 ACP Ammunition 20 Round Box 55 Grain Solid Copper 950 Fps 55gr n/a 20 $39.66 $1.98 CheaperThanDirt
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Underwood SC +P Ammo 32 ACP - Underwood Ammo SC +PUnderwood Ammo .32 ACP P Ammunition 20 Round Box 55 Grain Solid Copper 1050 Fps 55gr n/a 20 $39.66 $1.98 CheaperThanDirt
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Federal Premium HST JHP Ammo 357 SIG - Federal Premium HST Ammo JHPFederal Premium HST .357 SIG Ammo 125 Grain HST JHP 125gr n/a 20 $39.86 $1.99 CheaperThanDirt
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Buffalo Bore Tactical FN FMJ Ammo 10mm Auto - Buffalo Bore Tactical Ammo FN FMJBuffalo Bore Tactical 10mm Auto Ammunition 20 Rounds FMJ FN 180 Grain 21G/20 180gr n/a 20 $39.89 $1.99 CheaperThanDirt
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Buffalo Bore Lead-Free -HP XPB Ammo 357 Mag - Buffalo Bore Ammo Lead-Free -HP XPBBuffalo Bore .357 Magnum Ammunition 20 Rounds Lead-Free XPB-HP 140 Grains 140gr n/a 20 $39.89 $1.99 CheaperThanDirt
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Buffalo Bore Heavy Barnes XPB Ammo 357 Mag - Buffalo Bore Heavy Ammo Barnes XPBBuffalo Bore Heavy .357 Magnum Ammunition 20 Rounds Barnes XPB 125 Grains 19J/20 125gr n/a 20 $39.89 $1.99 CheaperThanDirt
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Buffalo Bore Barnes TAC-XP Ammo 38 Special - Buffalo Bore Ammo Barnes TAC-XPBuffalo Bore .38 Special Ammunition 20 Rounds Barnes TAC-XP 110 Grains 20G/20 110gr n/a 20 $39.89 $1.99 CheaperThanDirt
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Buffalo Bore Barnes TAC-XP +P Ammo 38 Super Auto - Buffalo Bore Ammo Barnes TAC-XP +PBuffalo Bore .38 Super P Ammunition 20 Rounds Barnes TAC-XP 115 Grains 33F/20 115gr n/a 20 $39.89 $1.99 CheaperThanDirt
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Buffalo Bore Barnes TAC-XP Ammo 40 S&W - Buffalo Bore Ammo Barnes TAC-XPBuffalo Bore .40 S&W Ammunition 20 Rounds Barnes TAC-XP 125 Grain 23D/20 125gr n/a 20 $39.89 $1.99 CheaperThanDirt
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Winchester Big Bore Ammuniton JSP Ammo 44 Mag - Winchester Big Bore Ammuniton JSPWinchester Big Bore .44 Magnum Ammuniton 20 Rounds Ammo 240 Grain JSP 240gr n/a 20 $39.89 $1.99 CheaperThanDirt
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Federal Champion Lead SWC HP Ammo 44 S&W Special - Federal Champion Ammo Lead SWC HPFederal Champion .44 Special Ammunition 20 Rounds Lead SWC HP 200 Grains C44SA 200gr n/a 20 $39.89 $1.99 CheaperThanDirt
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Grizzly Cartridge Co High Performance JHP Ammo 44 S&W Special - Grizzly Cartridge Co High Performance Ammo JHPGrizzly Cartridge Co. High Performance Handgun .44 Special Ammunition 20 Rounds JHP 240 Grain 240gr n/a 20 $39.89 $1.99 CheaperThanDirt
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Grizzly Cartridge Co Bear Load WFNGC Ammo 44 S&W Special - Grizzly Cartridge Co Bear Load Ammo WFNGCGrizzly Cartridge Co. Bear Load .44 Special Ammunition 20 Rounds WFNGC 260 Grain 260gr n/a 20 $39.89 $1.99 CheaperThanDirt
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Buffalo Bore Barnes TAC-XP +P Ammo 45 ACP/Auto - Buffalo Bore Ammo Barnes TAC-XP +PBuffalo Bore .45 ACP P Ammunition 20 Rounds Barnes TAC-XP 160 Grain 45-160LF/20 160gr n/a 20 $39.89 $1.99 CheaperThanDirt
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Buffalo Bore Heavy JHP Ammo 45 Long Colt - Buffalo Bore Heavy Ammo JHPBuffalo Bore Heavy .45 Colt Ammunition 20 Rounds JHP 200 Grain 3F/20 200gr n/a 20 $39.89 $1.99 CheaperThanDirt
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Buffalo Bore JHP Ammo 45 Win Mag - Buffalo Bore Ammo JHPBuffalo Bore .45 Winchester Magnum Ammunition 20 Rounds JHP 230 Grain 45WM230JHP/20 230gr n/a 20 $39.89 $1.99 CheaperThanDirt
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Magtech SJSP Ammo 454 Casull - Magtech Ammo SJSPMagtech .454 Casull Ammunition 20 Rounds SJSP 260 Grains 260gr n/a 20 $39.89 $1.99 CheaperThanDirt
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Underwood Coated HCLFN Ammo 454 Casull - Underwood Ammo Coated HCLFNUnderwood Ammo .454 Casull Ammunition 20 Rounds Coated HCLFN 325 Gr 325gr n/a 20 $39.89 $1.99 CheaperThanDirt
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Buffalo Bore FN FMJ Ammo 460 Rowland - Buffalo Bore Ammo FN FMJBuffalo Bore .460 Rowland Ammunition 20 Rounds FMJ FN 230 Grain 35C/20 230gr n/a 20 $39.89 $1.99 CheaperThanDirt
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Armscor USA F AC JHP Ammo 500 S&W Mag - Armscor USA Ammo F AC JHPArmscor USA .500 S&W Ammunition 20 Rounds JHP 300 Grains F AC 500S&W-1N 300gr n/a 20 $39.89 $1.99 CheaperThanDirt
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Buffalo Bore Luger Barnes TAC-XP +P+ Ammo 9mm - Buffalo Bore Luger Ammo Barnes TAC-XP +P+Buffalo Bore 9mm Luger P Ammunition 20 Rounds Barnes TAC-XP 115 Grains 24H/20 115gr n/a 20 $39.89 $1.99 CheaperThanDirt
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Buffalo Bore Luger Barnes TAC-XP +P+ Ammo 9mm - Buffalo Bore Luger Ammo Barnes TAC-XP +P+Buffalo Bore 9mm Luger P Ammunition 20 Rounds Barnes TAC-XP 95 Grains 24G/20 95gr n/a 20 $39.89 $1.99 CheaperThanDirt
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Speer Gold Dot Carry Gun +P Ammo 45 ACP/Auto - Speer Gold Dot Carry Gun Ammo +PSpeer Gold Dot Carry Gun .45 ACP P Ammunition 200 Grain GD2HP 1080 Fps 200gr n/a 20 $39.96 $2.00 CheaperThanDirt
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Underwood Luger Xtreme Penetrator +P+ Ammo 9mm - Underwood Luger Ammo Xtreme Penetrator +P+Underwood 9mm Luger P Ammo 115 Grain Xtreme Penetrator 115gr n/a 20 $40.01 $2.00 CheaperThanDirt
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Speer Gold Dot G2 Polymer Filled HP +P Ammo 45 ACP/Auto - Speer Gold Dot G2 Ammo Polymer Filled HP +PSpeer Gold Dot G2 .45 ACP P Ammunition 20 Rounds 230 Grain Polymer Filled Hollow Point 930 FPS 230gr n/a 20 $40.03 $2.00 CheaperThanDirt
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Barnes VOR-TX Lead Free XPB Ammo 41 Rem Mag - Barnes VOR-TX Ammo Lead Free XPBBarnes VOR-TX .41 Rem Mag Ammunition 20 Rounds 180 Grain Lead Free XPB Bullet 1520 Fps 180gr n/a 20 $40.17 $2.01 CheaperThanDirt
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Buffalo Bore JHP +P Ammo 32 H&R Mag - Buffalo Bore Ammo JHP +PBuffalo Bore .32 H&R Magnum P Ammunition 20 Rounds JHP 100 Grains 36A/20 100gr n/a 20 $40.20 $2.01 CheaperThanDirt
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Buffalo Bore JHP +P Ammo 38 Super Auto - Buffalo Bore Ammo JHP +PBuffalo Bore .38 Super P Ammunition 20 Rounds JHP 147 Grains 33E/20 147gr n/a 20 $40.20 $2.01 CheaperThanDirt
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Liberty Fragmenting HP Ammo 38 Special - Liberty Fragmenting HPLiberty .38 SPL Ammo 50 Grain Fragmenting HP 20 Round Box 50gr n/a 20 $40.54 $2.03 CheaperThanDirt
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Underwood Xtreme Defender Ammo 10mm Auto - Underwood Ammo Xtreme DefenderUnderwood Ammo 10mm Auto Xtreme Defender 115 Grain 20 Round Box 115gr n/a 20 $40.85 $2.04 CheaperThanDirt
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Remington Golden Saber Bonded Brass JHP Ammo 45 ACP/Auto - Remington Golden Saber Bonded Ammo Brass JHPRemington Golden Saber Bonded .45 ACP Ammunition 20 Rounds 185 Grain Brass Jacketed Hollow Point.. 185gr n/a 20 $40.98 $2.05 CheaperThanDirt
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Lehigh Defense Xtreme Luger XD FTM Ammo 9mm - Lehigh Defense Xtreme Ammo Luger XD FTMLehigh Defense Xtreme Defense Ammo 9mm Luger 115gr XD FTM 115gr n/a 20 $41.02 $2.05 CheaperThanDirt
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Barnes VOR-TX Rem Lead Free XPB Ammo 44 Mag - Barnes VOR-TX Rem Ammo Lead Free XPBBarnes VOR-TX .44 Rem Mag Ammunition 20 Rounds 225 Grain Lead Free XPB Bullet 1235 Fps 225gr n/a 20 $41.25 $2.06 CheaperThanDirt
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Buffalo Bore JHP +P Ammo 45 ACP/Auto - Buffalo Bore Ammo JHP +PBuffalo Bore .45 ACP P Ammunition 20 Rounds JHP 185 Grain 45-185/20 185gr n/a 20 $41.37 $2.07 CheaperThanDirt
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Buffalo Bore JHP +P Ammo 45 ACP/Auto - Buffalo Bore Ammo JHP +PBuffalo Bore .45 ACP Ammunition 20 Rounds P JHP 200 Grains 200gr n/a 20 $41.37 $2.07 CheaperThanDirt
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