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CheaperThanDirt - Handgun Ammo

CheaperThanDirt Handgun Ammo. Page 24 of 27

Free to High
Description Grains FPS Rounds Price PPR
Retailer Updated
Buffalo Bore JHP +P Ammo 45 ACP/Auto - Buffalo Bore Ammo JHP +PBuffalo Bore .45 ACP P Ammunition 20 Rounds JHP 230 Grain 45-230/20 230gr n/a 20 $41.37 $2.07 CheaperThanDirt
3s !
Nosler Luger Brass JHP +P Ammo 9mm - Nosler Luger Brass JHP +PNosler 9mm Luger P Ammo 124gr JHP 1200 Fps Brass 20 Round 124gr n/a 20 $41.40 $2.07 CheaperThanDirt
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Hornady Hunter MonoFlex Projectile HP Ammo 10mm Auto - Hornady Hunter Ammo MonoFlex Projectile HPHornady Handgun Hunter 10mm Auto Ammunition 135 Grain HP MonoFlex Projectile 1315fps 135gr n/a 20 $41.43 $2.07 CheaperThanDirt
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Liberty Fragmenting HP Ammo 357 Mag - Liberty Fragmenting HPLiberty .357 MAG Ammo 50 Grain Fragmenting HP 20 Round Box 50gr n/a 20 $41.53 $2.08 CheaperThanDirt
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HSM Bear Load Lead WFN Ammo 454 Casull - HSM Bear Load Ammo Lead WFNHSM Bear Load .454 Casull Ammunition 20 Rounds 325 Grain Lead WFN 325gr n/a 20 $41.56 $2.08 CheaperThanDirt
3s !
Lehigh Defense Xtreme XD FTM Ammo 10mm Auto - Lehigh Defense Xtreme Ammo XD FTMLehigh Defense Xtreme Defense Ammo 10mm 115gr XD FTM 115gr n/a 20 $41.78 $2.09 CheaperThanDirt
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Hornady Hunter MonoFlex Ammo 44 Mag - Hornady Hunter Ammo MonoFlexHornady Handgun Hunter .44 Magnum Ammo 200 Grain MonoFlex 200gr n/a 20 $41.81 $2.09 CheaperThanDirt
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Buffalo Bore JHP Ammo 357 Mag - Buffalo Bore Ammo JHPBuffalo Bore .357 Magnum Ammunition 20 Rounds JHP 125 Grains 19D/20 125gr n/a 20 $42.11 $2.11 CheaperThanDirt
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Buffalo Bore Tactical Short Barrel JHP Ammo 357 Mag - Buffalo Bore Tactical Short Barrel Ammo JHPBuffalo Bore Tactical Short Barrel .357 Magnum Ammunition 20 Rounds JHP 158 Grains 19E/20 158gr n/a 20 $42.15 $2.11 CheaperThanDirt
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Buffalo Bore JHP Ammo 357 Mag - Buffalo Bore Ammo JHPBuffalo Bore .357 Magnum Ammunition 20 Rounds JHP 158 Grains 19C/20 158gr n/a 20 $42.15 $2.11 CheaperThanDirt
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Buffalo Bore GC LFN Ammo 357 Mag - Buffalo Bore Ammo GC LFNBuffalo Bore .357 Magnum Ammunition 20 Rounds LFN GC 180 Grains 19A/20 180gr n/a 20 $42.15 $2.11 CheaperThanDirt
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Buffalo Bore Low Flash Heavy JHP Ammo 357 SIG - Buffalo Bore Low Flash Heavy Ammo JHPBuffalo Bore Low Flash Heavy .357 SIG Ammunition 20 Rounds JHP 125 Grains 25A/20 125gr n/a 20 $42.15 $2.11 CheaperThanDirt
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Buffalo Bore Low Flash Heavy FN FMJ Ammo 357 SIG - Buffalo Bore Low Flash Heavy Ammo FN FMJBuffalo Bore Low Flash Heavy .357 Sig Ammunition 20 Rounds FMJ FN 125 Grains 25B/20 125gr n/a 20 $42.15 $2.11 CheaperThanDirt
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G2 Research Civic Duty Lead Free SCHP Ammo 380 Auto - G2 Research Civic Duty Ammo Lead Free SCHPG2 Research Civic Duty .380 ACP Ammunition 20 Rounds 64 Grain Lead Free Solid Copper Hollow Point.. 64gr n/a 20 $42.17 $2.11 CheaperThanDirt
3s !
Buffalo Bore Barnes TAC-XP HP +P Ammo 380 Auto - Buffalo Bore Ammo Barnes TAC-XP HP +PBuffalo Bore .380 Auto P Ammunition 20 Rounds Barnes TAC-XP HP 80 Grains 27H/20 80gr n/a 20 $42.22 $2.11 CheaperThanDirt
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Winchester Defender Bonded JHP Ammo 10mm Auto - Winchester Defender Ammo Bonded JHPWinchester Defender 10mm Auto Ammo 180 Grain Bonded JHP 180gr n/a 20 $42.43 $2.12 CheaperThanDirt
4s !
Underwood HP Lead Free XPB Ammo 44 Mag - Underwood Ammo HP Lead Free XPBUnderwood Ammo.44 Magnum Ammunition 20 Rounds XPB HP 225 Gr Lead Free 225gr n/a 20 $42.89 $2.14 CheaperThanDirt
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Lehigh Defense Xtreme XD FTM Ammo 45 ACP/Auto - Lehigh Defense Xtreme Ammo XD FTMLehigh Defense Xtreme Defense Ammo 45 ACP 135gr XD FTM 135gr n/a 20 $42.99 $2.15 CheaperThanDirt
3s !
Federal Power-Shok SJHP Ammo 44 Mag - Federal Power-Shok Ammo SJHPFederal Power-Shok .44 Magnum Ammunition 20 Rounds SJHP 240 Grains C44A 240gr n/a 20 $43.08 $2.15 CheaperThanDirt
3s !
Underwood Xtreme Penetrator Ammo 357 SIG - Underwood Ammo Xtreme PenetratorUnderwood .357 Sig Ammo 115 Grain Xtreme Penetrator 115gr n/a 20 $43.17 $2.16 CheaperThanDirt
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Underwood Xtreme Defender Ammo 45 ACP/Auto - Underwood Xtreme DefenderUnderwood .45 ACP Xtreme Defender Ammo 135 Grain 20 Rounds 135gr n/a 20 $43.17 $2.16 CheaperThanDirt
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Underwood ACPXtreme Defender +P Ammo 45 ACP/Auto - Underwood Ammo ACPXtreme Defender +PUnderwood Ammo 45 ACP P Xtreme Defender 135 Grain 20 Round Box 135gr n/a 20 $43.17 $2.16 CheaperThanDirt
3s !
Speer Gold Dot Personal Protection GDHP Ammo 10mm Auto - Speer Gold Dot Personal Protection Ammo GDHPSpeer Gold Dot Personal Protection 10mm Auto Ammunition 20 Rounds 200 Grain GDHP 1100fps 200gr n/a 20 $43.41 $2.17 CheaperThanDirt
3s !
Remington Golden Saber Bonded JHP Ammo 10mm Auto - Remington Golden Saber Bonded Ammo JHPRemington Golden Saber Bonded 10mm Auto Ammo 180 Grain JHP 180gr n/a 20 $43.53 $2.18 CheaperThanDirt
3s !
CCI 44 Shotshell Lead Shot Ammo 44 Mag - CCI 44 Ammo Shotshell Lead ShotCCI .44 Special/.44 Magnum Ammunition 10 Rounds Shotshell #4 Lead Shot 110gr n/a 10 $21.89 $2.19 CheaperThanDirt
3s !
CCI Big Shotshell Luger Lead Ammo 9mm - CCI Big Shotshell Luger Ammo LeadCCI Big 4 Shotshell 9mm Luger Ammunition 10 Rounds #4 Lead Shot 3712CC 45gr n/a 10 $21.89 $2.19 CheaperThanDirt
3s !
Winchester Big Bore Ammuniton JSP Ammo 10mm Auto - Winchester Big Bore Ammuniton JSPWinchester Big Bore 10mm Auto Ammuniton 20 Rounds Ammo 200 Grain JSP 200gr n/a 20 $44.00 $2.20 CheaperThanDirt
3s !
Barnes VOR-TX Lead Free XPB Ammo 10mm Auto - Barnes VOR-TX Ammo Lead Free XPBBarnes VOR-TX 10mm Auto Ammunition 20 Rounds 155 Grain Lead Free XPB Bullet 1150 Fps 155gr n/a 20 $44.03 $2.20 CheaperThanDirt
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HTP JSP Ammo 41 Rem Mag - HTP Ammo JSPRemington HTP .41 Magnum Ammo 210 Grain JSP 20 Rounds 210gr n/a 20 $44.16 $2.21 CheaperThanDirt
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G2 Research RIP HP Ammo 9mm - G2 Research RIP Ammo HPG2 Research RIP 9mm Ammunition 20 Rounds HP 92 Grains 92gr n/a 20 $44.18 $2.21 CheaperThanDirt
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Underwood Xtreme Penetrator +P Ammo 380 Auto - Underwood Ammo Xtreme Penetrator +PUnderwood .380 ACP P Ammo 90 Grain Xtreme Penetrator 90gr n/a 20 $44.36 $2.22 CheaperThanDirt
3s !
Buffalo Bore Low Flash Heavy Barnes TAC-XP Ammo 357 SIG - Buffalo Bore Low Flash Heavy Ammo Barnes TAC-XPBuffalo Bore Low Flash Heavy .357 Sig Ammunition 20 Rounds Barnes TAC-XP 125 Grains 25C/20 125gr n/a 20 $44.89 $2.24 CheaperThanDirt
3s !
Buffalo Bore Heavy Hard Cast SWC Keith Ammo 41 Rem Mag - Buffalo Bore Heavy Ammo Hard Cast SWC KeithBuffalo Bore Heavy .41 Remington Magnum Ammunition 20 Rounds Hard Cast SWC Keith 230 Grain 16B/20 230gr n/a 20 $44.89 $2.24 CheaperThanDirt
3s !
Grizzly Cartridge Co Bear Load WFNGC Ammo 41 Rem Mag - Grizzly Cartridge Co Bear Load Ammo WFNGCGrizzly Cartridge Co. Bear Load .41 Mag Ammunition 20 Rounds WFNGC 250 Grain 250gr n/a 20 $44.89 $2.24 CheaperThanDirt
3s !
Grizzly Cartridge Co Bear Load WLNGC Ammo 41 Rem Mag - Grizzly Cartridge Co Bear Load Ammo WLNGCGrizzly Cartridge Co. Bear Load .41 Mag Ammunition 20 Rounds WLNGC 265 Grain 265gr n/a 20 $44.89 $2.24 CheaperThanDirt
3s !
Grizzly Cartridge Co High Performance JHP Ammo 44 Mag - Grizzly Cartridge Co High Performance Ammo JHPGrizzly Cartridge Co. High Performance Handgun .44 Mag Ammunition 20 Rounds JHP 240 Grain 240gr n/a 20 $44.89 $2.24 CheaperThanDirt
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Grizzly Cartridge Co Bear Load WFNGC Ammo 44 Mag - Grizzly Cartridge Co Bear Load Ammo WFNGCGrizzly Cartridge Co. Bear Load .44 Mag Ammunition 20 Rounds WFNGC 260 Grain 260gr n/a 20 $44.89 $2.24 CheaperThanDirt
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Grizzly Cartridge Co Bear Load WFNGC Ammo 44 Mag - Grizzly Cartridge Co Bear Load Ammo WFNGCGrizzly Cartridge Co. Bear Load .44 Mag Ammunition 20 Rounds WFNGC 300 Grain 300gr n/a 20 $44.89 $2.24 CheaperThanDirt
3s !
Grizzly Cartridge Co Bear Load WLNGC Ammo 44 Mag - Grizzly Cartridge Co Bear Load Ammo WLNGCGrizzly Cartridge Co. Bear Load .44 Mag Ammunition 20 Rounds WLNGC 320 Grain 320gr n/a 20 $44.89 $2.24 CheaperThanDirt
3s !
Underwood Xtreme Defender Lead Free Ammo 44 S&W Special - Underwood Ammo Xtreme Defender Lead FreeUnderwood Ammo.44 Special Ammunition 20 Rounds Xtreme Defender 125 Gr Lead Free 125gr n/a 20 $44.89 $2.24 CheaperThanDirt
3s !
Buffalo Bore Low Recoil Barnes TAC-XP Ammo 45 ACP/Auto - Buffalo Bore Low Recoil Ammo Barnes TAC-XPBuffalo Bore Low Recoil .45 ACP Ammunition 20 Rounds Barnes TAC-XP 160 Grain 45-160LF-LR/20 160gr n/a 20 $44.89 $2.24 CheaperThanDirt
3s !
Underwood ACPAmmo Xtreme Penetrator +P Ammo 45 ACP/Auto - Underwood ACPAmmo Xtreme Penetrator +PUnderwood .45 ACP P Ammunition 20 Rounds Xtreme Penetrator 200 Grains 646 200gr n/a 20 $44.89 $2.24 CheaperThanDirt
3s !
Buffalo Bore Soft Cast Hollow Nose Ammo 45 Long Colt - Buffalo Bore Ammo Soft Cast Hollow NoseBuffalo Bore .45 Colt Ammunition 20 Rounds Soft Cast Hollow Nose 225 Grains 225gr n/a 20 $44.89 $2.24 CheaperThanDirt
3s !
Barnes Pioneer HP XPB Ammo 45 Long Colt - Barnes Pioneer Ammo HP XPBBarnes Pioneer .45 Colt Ammo 200 Grain XPB HP 200gr n/a 20 $45.13 $2.26 CheaperThanDirt
3s !
Federal Premium HST JHP Ammo 10mm Auto - Federal Premium HST Ammo JHPFederal Premium HST 10mm Auto Ammo 200 Grain HST JHP 200gr n/a 20 $45.58 $2.28 CheaperThanDirt
3s !
G2 Research Civic Duty Luger Ammo 9mm - G2 Research Civic Duty Luger AmmoG2 Research Civic Duty 9mm Luger Ammo 20 Rounds 94gr n/a 20 $45.63 $2.28 CheaperThanDirt
3s !
G2 Research RIP Copper HP Ammo 380 Auto - G2 Research RIP Copper HPG2 Research .380 ACP Ammo 62gr R.I.P. Copper Hollow Point 20rds 62gr n/a 20 $46.00 $2.30 CheaperThanDirt
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Magtech FMJFP Ammo 454 Casull - Magtech Ammo FMJFPMagtech .454 Casull Ammunition 20 Rounds FMJFP 260 Grain 260gr n/a 20 $46.15 $2.31 CheaperThanDirt
3s !
Underwood SC Ammo 357 SIG - Underwood Ammo SCUnderwood Ammo .357 SIG Ammunition 20 Round Box 65 Grain Solid Copper 2100 Fps 65gr n/a 20 $46.69 $2.33 CheaperThanDirt
3s !
Underwood Semi-Wadcutter Ammo 41 Rem Mag - Underwood Ammo Semi-WadcutterUnderwood .41 Rem Mag Ammo 230 Grain Semi-Wadcutter 230gr n/a 20 $46.71 $2.34 CheaperThanDirt
3s !