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FirearmsDepot - Rifle Ammo

FirearmsDepot Rifle Ammo. Page 1 of 33

Free to High
Description Grains FPS Rounds Price PPR
Retailer Updated
STV Patriot [MPN FMJ Ammo 223 Rem - STV Patriot [MPN FMJSTV Patriot .223 REM Ammo 55gr FMJ - 20 Rounds MPN P223055F 55gr n/a 20 $8.19 $0.41 FirearmsDepot
2h !
STV Patriot [MPN FMJ Ammo 223 Rem - STV Patriot [MPN FMJSTV Patriot .223 REM Ammo 55gr FMJ MPN P223055F - 200 Rnds 55gr n/a 200 $81.90 $0.41 FirearmsDepot
2h !
Bulk STV Patriot [MPN FMJ Ammo 223 Rem - Bulk STV Patriot [MPN FMJSTV Patriot .223 REM Ammo 55gr FMJ MPN P223055F - 500 Rounds 55gr n/a 500 $204.75 $0.41 FirearmsDepot
2h !
Bulk STV Patriot [MPN CASE FMJ Ammo 223 Rem - Bulk STV Patriot [MPN CASE FMJSTV Patriot .223 REM Ammo 55gr FMJ MPN P223055F - 1000 Round CASE 55gr n/a 1,000 $409.50 $0.41 FirearmsDepot
2h !
STV Technology Scorpio [MPN FMJ Ammo 223 Rem - STV Technology Scorpio Ammo [MPN FMJSTV Technology Scorpio Ammo .223 REM 55gr FMJ MPN S223055F - 20 Rounds 55gr n/a 20 $8.79 $0.44 FirearmsDepot
2h !
Bulk STV Technology Scorpio [MPN FMJ Ammo 223 Rem - Bulk STV Technology Scorpio Ammo [MPN FMJSTV Technology Scorpio Ammo .223 REM 55gr FMJ MPN S223055F - 500 Rounds 55gr n/a 500 $223.72 $0.45 FirearmsDepot
2h !
Bulk STV Technology Scorpio [MPN FMJ Ammo 223 Rem - Bulk STV Technology Scorpio Ammo [MPN FMJSTV Technology Scorpio Ammo .223 REM 55gr FMJ - 1000 Rounds MPN S223055F 55gr n/a 1,000 $451.44 $0.45 FirearmsDepot
2h !
PMC XTac [MPN FDS FMJBT Ammo 5.56 NATO - PMC XTac [MPN FDS FMJBTPMC XTac 5.56X45MM Ammo 55gr FMJBT - 20 Rounds MPN 5.56X FDS 55gr n/a 20 $9.19 $0.46 FirearmsDepot
2h !
PMC X-Tac FMJ Ammo 5.56 NATO - PMC X-Tac FMJPMC X-Tac 5.56X45MM Ammo 55gr FMJ - 200 Rounds 55gr n/a 200 $91.90 $0.46 FirearmsDepot
2h !
Armscor [MPN FMJ Ammo 223 Rem - Armscor [MPN FMJArmscor .223 REM Ammo 55gr FMJ - 20 Rounds MPN FAC223-1N 55gr n/a 20 $9.23 $0.46 FirearmsDepot
2h !
Hornady Training [MPN 80275] FMJBT Ammo 223 Rem - Hornady Training [MPN 80275] FMJBTHornady Training .223 REM Ammo 55gr FMJBT - 50 Rounds MPN 80275 55gr n/a 50 $23.09 $0.46 FirearmsDepot
2h !
PMC Bronze [MPN FMJBT Ammo 223 Rem - PMC Bronze [MPN FMJBTPMC Bronze .223 REM Ammo 55gr FMJBT - 20 Rounds MPN 223A 55gr n/a 20 $9.24 $0.46 FirearmsDepot
2h !
PMC Bronze FMJ Ammo 223 Rem - PMC Bronze FMJPMC Bronze .223 REM Ammo 55gr FMJ - 200 Rounds 55gr n/a 200 $92.40 $0.46 FirearmsDepot
2h !
Bulk PMC Bronze FMJ Ammo 223 Rem - Bulk PMC Bronze FMJPMC Bronze .223 REM Ammo 55gr FMJ - 500 Rounds 55gr n/a 500 $231.00 $0.46 FirearmsDepot
2h !
Bulk PMC Bronze FMJ Ammo 223 Rem - Bulk PMC Bronze FMJPMC Bronze .223 REM Ammo 55gr FMJ - 1000 Rounds (Case) 55gr n/a 1,000 $462.00 $0.46 FirearmsDepot
2h !
Fiocchi Shooting Dynamics [MPN FMJBT Ammo 223 Rem - Fiocchi Shooting Dynamics [MPN FMJBTFiocchi Shooting Dynamics .223 REM Ammo 55gr FMJBT - 50 Rounds MPN 223A 55gr n/a 50 $23.49 $0.47 FirearmsDepot
2h !
PMC X-Tac Green Tip [MPN Ammo 5.56 NATO - PMC X-Tac Green Tip [MPNPMC X-Tac 5.56X45MM Ammo 62gr Green Tip - 20 Rounds MPN 5.56K 62gr n/a 20 $9.45 $0.47 FirearmsDepot
2h !
Bulk PMC X-Tac Green Tip Ammo 5.56 NATO - Bulk PMC X-Tac Green TipPMC X-Tac 5.56X45MM Ammo 62gr Green Tip - 500 Rounds 62gr n/a 500 $236.25 $0.47 FirearmsDepot
2h !
Bulk PMC X-Tac Green Tip Ammo 5.56 NATO - Bulk PMC X-Tac Green TipPMC X-Tac 5.56X45MM Ammo 62gr Green Tip - 1000 Rounds (Case) 62gr n/a 1,000 $472.50 $0.47 FirearmsDepot
2h !
Frontier Cartridge [MPN FMJ Ammo 223 Rem - Frontier Cartridge [MPN FMJFrontier Cartridge .223 REM Ammo 55gr FMJ - 20 Rounds MPN FR100 55gr n/a 20 $9.56 $0.48 FirearmsDepot
2h !
Frontier Cartridge [MPN FMJ Ammo 5.56 NATO - Frontier Cartridge [MPN FMJFrontier Cartridge 5.56X45MM Ammo 55gr FMJ - 20 Rounds MPN FR200 55gr n/a 20 $9.56 $0.48 FirearmsDepot
2h !
Winchester USA FMJ Ammo 223 Rem - Winchester Ammo USA FMJWinchester Ammunition USA .223 REMINGTON 55gr FMJ - Rounds 55gr n/a 20 $9.57 $0.48 FirearmsDepot
2h !
Sellier & Bellot SP [MPN Ammo 223 Rem - Sellier & Bellot SP [MPNSellier & Bellot .223 REM Ammo 55gr SP - 20 Rounds MPN SB223B 55gr n/a 20 $9.65 $0.48 FirearmsDepot
2h !
Fiocchi Shooting Dynamics [MPN 556M193L] FMJBT Ammo 5.56 NATO - Fiocchi Shooting Dynamics [MPN 556M193L] FMJBTFiocchi Shooting Dynamics 5.56X45MM Ammo 55gr FMJBT - 50 Rounds MPN 556M193L 55gr n/a 50 $24.19 $0.48 FirearmsDepot
2h !
Nemo Arms FMJBT Ammo 5.56 NATO - Nemo Arms FMJBTNemo Arms 5.56X45MM NATO Ammo 55gr FMJBT - 20 Rounds 55gr n/a 20 $9.68 $0.48 FirearmsDepot
2h !
Bulk PMC X-Tac FMJ Ammo 5.56 NATO - Bulk PMC X-Tac FMJPMC X-Tac 5.56X45MM Ammo 55gr FMJ - 500 Rounds 55gr n/a 500 $242.20 $0.48 FirearmsDepot
2h !
Bulk Frontier FMJ Ammo 223 Rem - Bulk Frontier FMJFrontier .223 REMINGTON Ammo 55gr FMJ - 500 Rounds (CASE) 55gr n/a 500 $243.32 $0.49 FirearmsDepot
2h !
Bulk Winchester Lake City [MPN FMJ Ammo 223 Rem - Bulk Winchester Lake City [MPN FMJWinchester Lake City .223 REM Ammo 55gr FMJ - 1000 Rounds MPN W2231000 55gr n/a 1,000 $488.16 $0.49 FirearmsDepot
2h !
Bulk PMC X-Tac FMJ Ammo 5.56 NATO - Bulk PMC X-Tac FMJPMC X-Tac 5.56X45MM Ammo 55gr FMJ - 1000 Rnds 55gr n/a 1,000 $488.73 $0.49 FirearmsDepot
2h !
Bulk Winchester USA FMJ Ammo 223 Rem - Bulk Winchester Ammo USA FMJWinchester Ammunition USA .223 REMINGTON 55gr FMJ - 1000 Rounds (CASE) 55gr n/a 1,000 $491.55 $0.49 FirearmsDepot
2h !
Winchester [MPN BHWIN FMJ Ammo 223 Rem - Winchester [MPN BHWIN FMJWinchester .223 REM Ammo 55gr FMJ - 20 Rounds MPN W223K (BHWIN W223K) 55gr n/a 20 $9.89 $0.49 FirearmsDepot
2h !
Winchester [MPN WM193K] FMJ Ammo 5.56 NATO - Winchester [MPN WM193K] FMJWinchester 5.56X45MM Ammo 55gr FMJ - 20 Rounds MPN WM193K 55gr n/a 20 $9.89 $0.49 FirearmsDepot
2h !
Magtech [MPN FMJ Ammo 5.56 NATO - Magtech [MPN FMJMagtech 5.56X45MM Ammo 55gr FMJ - 50 Rounds MPN 556A 55gr n/a 50 $24.74 $0.49 FirearmsDepot
2h !
Aguila [MPN FMJ Ammo 5.56 NATO - Aguila [MPN FMJAguila 5.56x54 Ammo 55gr FMJ MPN 1E556155 - 30 Rounds 55gr n/a 30 $14.91 $0.50 FirearmsDepot
2h !
Hornady Training Spire [MPN 80255 Ammo 223 Rem - Hornady Training Spire [MPN 80255Hornady Training .223 REM Ammo 55gr Spire - 50 Rounds MPN 80255 55gr n/a 50 $25.06 $0.50 FirearmsDepot
2h !
Winchester [MPN WM193150] FMJ Ammo 5.56 NATO - Winchester [MPN WM193150] FMJWinchester 5.56X45MM Ammo 55gr FMJ - 150 Rounds MPN WM193150 55gr n/a 150 $75.48 $0.50 FirearmsDepot
2h !
Aguila [MPN FMJ Ammo 5.56 NATO - Aguila [MPN FMJAguila 5.56x54 Ammo 55gr FMJ MPN 1E556155 - 450 Rounds 55gr n/a 450 $227.75 $0.51 FirearmsDepot
2h !
Bulk Magtech Cbc M193 Ammo 5.56 NATO - Bulk Magtech Cbc M193Magtech Cbc M193 556nato 1000/cs 55gr n/a 1,000 $508.27 $0.51 FirearmsDepot
2h !
Armscor PSP [MPN Ammo 223 Rem - Armscor PSP [MPNArmscor .223 REM Ammo 55gr PSP - 20 Rounds MPN AC223-2N 55gr n/a 20 $10.33 $0.52 FirearmsDepot
2h !
Sellier & Bellot [MPN FMJ Ammo 30 Carbine - Sellier & Bellot [MPN FMJSellier & Bellot .30 CARBINE Ammo 110gr FMJ - 50 Rounds MPN SB30A 110gr n/a 50 $25.99 $0.52 FirearmsDepot
2h !
Winchester Ready [MPN OTM Ammo 223 Rem - Winchester Ready [MPN OTMWinchester Ready .223 REM Ammo 62gr OTM - 20 Rounds MPN RED223 62gr n/a 20 $10.45 $0.52 FirearmsDepot
2h !
Magtech FMC Ammo 30 Carbine - Magtech FMCMagtech .30 CARBINE Ammo 110gr FMC - 50 Rounds 110gr n/a 50 $26.27 $0.53 FirearmsDepot
2h !
Bulk Armscor PSP Ammo 223 Rem - Bulk Armscor PSPArmscor .223 REM Ammo 55gr PSP - 1000 Rounds (Case) 55gr n/a 1,000 $530.54 $0.53 FirearmsDepot
2h !
Winchester [MPN FMJ Ammo 5.56 NATO - Winchester [MPN FMJWinchester 5.56X45MM Ammo 55gr FMJ - 125 Rounds MPN USA193125 55gr n/a 125 $67.80 $0.54 FirearmsDepot
2h !
Winchester [MPN FMJ Ammo 5.56 NATO - Winchester [MPN FMJWinchester 5.56X45MM Ammo 55gr FMJ - 125 Rounds MPN USA193125 (20892231016) 55gr n/a 125 $67.80 $0.54 FirearmsDepot
2h !
Frontier Cartridge Match [MPN HP Ammo 5.56 NATO - Frontier Cartridge Match [MPN HPFrontier Cartridge 5.56X45MM Ammo 55gr HP Match - 20 Rounds MPN FR240 55gr n/a 20 $10.85 $0.54 FirearmsDepot
2h !
Winchester [MPN FMJ Ammo 223 Rem - Winchester [MPN FMJWinchester .223 REM Ammo 55gr FMJ MPN W223150 - 150 Rounds 55gr n/a 150 $81.37 $0.54 FirearmsDepot
2h !
Winchester [MPN FMJ Ammo 223 Rem - Winchester [MPN FMJWinchester .223 REM Ammo 55gr FMJ - 200 Rounds MPN W223200 55gr n/a 200 $108.49 $0.54 FirearmsDepot
2h !
Winchester [MPN WM193200] FMJ Ammo 5.56 NATO - Winchester [MPN WM193200] FMJWinchester 5.56X45MM Ammo 55gr FMJ - 200 Rounds MPN WM193200 55gr n/a 200 $108.49 $0.54 FirearmsDepot
2h !
Winchester [MPN WM193300C] FMJ Ammo 5.56 NATO - Winchester [MPN WM193300C] FMJWinchester 5.56X45MM Ammo 55gr FMJ - 300 Rounds MPN WM193300C 55gr n/a 300 $162.74 $0.54 FirearmsDepot
2h !