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CheaperThanDirt - Rimfire Ammo

CheaperThanDirt Rimfire Ammo. Page 2 of 4

Free to High
Description Grains FPS Rounds Price PPR
Retailer Updated
Browning BPR Target LRN Ammo 22LR - Browning BPR Target Ammo LRNBrowning BPR Target .22 LR Ammunition 40 Grain LRN 1255 Fps 400 Rounds 40gr n/a 400 $41.88 $0.105 CheaperThanDirt
58m !
Fiocchi Standard Velocity LRN Ammo 22LR - Fiocchi Standard Velocity Ammo LRNFiocchi Standard Velocity .22LR Ammunition 50 Rounds LRN 40 Grain 40gr n/a 50 $5.35 $0.107 CheaperThanDirt
55m !
Bulk Winchester Wildcat CP Dynapoint Ammo 22LR - Bulk Winchester Wildcat Ammo CP DynapointWinchester Wildcat .22LR Ammunition 500 Rounds 40 Grain Copper Plated Dynapoint 1255 Fps 40gr n/a 500 $53.59 $0.107 CheaperThanDirt
58m !
Bulk Aguila Subsonic LRN Ammo 22LR - Bulk Aguila Subsonic LRNAguila Subsonic .22 LR Ammo 40 Grain LRN 1000 Rounds 40gr n/a 1,000 $107.92 $0.108 CheaperThanDirt
56m !
Bulk Fiocchi Standard Velocity LRN Ammo 22LR - Bulk Fiocchi Standard Velocity Ammo LRNFiocchi Standard Velocity .22LR Ammunition 5000 Rounds LRN 40 Grain 40gr n/a 5,000 $539.89 $0.108 CheaperThanDirt
55m !
Winchester Super-X CP HP Ammo 22LR - Winchester Super-X Ammo CP HPWinchester Super-X .22LR Ammunition 40 Grain Copper Plated Hollow Point 1280 Fps 40gr n/a 100 $10.89 $0.109 CheaperThanDirt
58m !
Bulk Fiocchi Standard Velocity LRN Ammo 22LR - Bulk Fiocchi Standard Velocity Ammo LRNFiocchi Standard Velocity .22LR Ammunition 500 Rounds LRN 40 Grain 40gr n/a 500 $54.89 $0.11 CheaperThanDirt
55m !
Federal Champion BYOB CP HP Ammo 22LR - Federal Champion BYOB Ammo CP HPFederal Champion BYOB .22LR Ammunition 36 Grain Copper Plated Hollow Point 1260fps 450 Rounds 36gr n/a 450 $50.01 $0.111 CheaperThanDirt
56m !
Fiocchi Hi Velocity HP Ammo 22LR - Fiocchi Hi Velocity Ammo HPFiocchi Hi Velocity .22LR Ammunition 50 Rounds HP 38 Grain 38gr n/a 50 $5.78 $0.116 CheaperThanDirt
55m !
Federal Gold Medal Ammo 22LR - Federal Gold Medal AmmoFederal Gold Medal Rimfire 22LR Ammunition 50 Rounds 40gr n/a 50 $5.89 $0.118 CheaperThanDirt
57m !
Aguila Subsonic LSP Ammo 22LR - Aguila Subsonic Ammo LSPAguila Subsonic .22 LR Ammunition 40 Grain LSP 1125fps 50 Rounds 40gr n/a 50 $5.89 $0.118 CheaperThanDirt
56m !
Aguila Subsonic HP Ammo 22LR - Aguila Subsonic Ammo HPAguila Subsonic Hollow Point .22 LR Ammunition 38 Grain HP 1024fps 50 Rounds 38gr n/a 50 $5.94 $0.119 CheaperThanDirt
56m !
CCI Mini-Mag Plated HP Ammo 22LR - CCI Mini-Mag Ammo Plated HPCCI Mini-Mag .22LR Ammunition 100 Rounds Plated Hollow Point 36 Grain 36gr n/a 100 $11.89 $0.119 CheaperThanDirt
56m !
Remington Golden Plated High Velocity RN Ammo 22LR - Remington Golden Ammo Plated High Velocity RNRemington Golden Bullet .22 LR Ammunition 100 Rounds Plated RN 40 Grain High Velocity 40gr n/a 100 $11.89 $0.119 CheaperThanDirt
57m !
Winchester Super-X Super Speed CP LRN Ammo 22LR - Winchester Super-X Super Speed Ammo CP LRNWinchester Super-X Super Speed .22LR Ammunition 100 Rounds Copper Plated LRN 40 Grain 40gr n/a 100 $11.89 $0.119 CheaperThanDirt
58m !
Bulk Fiocchi Hi Velocity HP Ammo 22LR - Bulk Fiocchi Hi Velocity Ammo HPFiocchi Hi Velocity .22LR Ammunition 500 Rounds HP 38 Grain 38gr n/a 500 $59.89 $0.12 CheaperThanDirt
55m !
Bulk Fiocchi Field Dynamics Subsonic HP Ammo 22LR - Bulk Fiocchi Field Dynamics Subsonic Ammo HPFiocchi Field Dynamics .22 LR Subsonic Ammo 40 Grain HP 1060 Fps 40gr n/a 500 $59.89 $0.12 CheaperThanDirt
55m !
Bulk CCI CP FeetSecond HP Ammo 22 Short - Bulk CCI Ammo CP FeetSecond HPCCI .22 Short Ammunition 5000 Rounds Copper Plated HP 27 Grain 1105 Feet Per Second 27gr n/a 5,000 $599.89 $0.12 CheaperThanDirt
56m !
CCI LRN Ammo 22LR - CCI Ammo LRNCCI Clean-22 .22 LR Ammunition 40 Grain LRN 1235fps 40gr n/a 400 $48.34 $0.121 CheaperThanDirt
56m !
CCI AR Tactical CP Lead RN Ammo 22LR - CCI AR Tactical Ammo CP Lead RNCCI AR Tactical .22 Long Rifle Ammunition 300 Rounds 40 Grain Copper Plated Lead Round Nose 1200fps 40gr n/a 300 $36.55 $0.122 CheaperThanDirt
56m !
Bulk Winchester Super-X Hyper Velocity CP Case HP Ammo 22LR - Bulk Winchester Super-X Hyper Velocity Ammo CP Case HPWinchester Super-X Hyper Velocity .22LR Ammunition 40 Grain Copper Plated HP 1435 Fps 2000 Round.. 40gr n/a 2,000 $249.89 $0.125 CheaperThanDirt
58m !
CCI Standard Velocity LRN Ammo 22LR - CCI Standard Velocity Ammo LRNCCI Standard Velocity .22 Long Rifle Ammunition 100 Rounds LRN 40 Grain 40gr n/a 100 $12.65 $0.127 CheaperThanDirt
56m !
Bulk Fiocchi Shooting Dynamics Plated Lead Plano Hard Black RN Ammo 22LR - Bulk Fiocchi Shooting Dynamics Ammo Plated Lead Plano Hard Black RNFiocchi Shooting Dynamics .22 Long Rifle Ammunition 1575 Rounds 40 Grain Plated Lead Round Nose.. 40gr n/a 1,575 $199.89 $0.127 CheaperThanDirt
55m !
Remington Golden Plated HP Ammo 22LR - Remington Golden Ammo Plated HPRemington 22 Golden Bullet .22 LR Ammunition 36 Grain Plated HP Bullet 1280fps 36gr n/a 50 $6.40 $0.128 CheaperThanDirt
57m !
Remington Viper PTCS Ammo 22LR - Remington Viper Ammo PTCSRemington 22 Viper .22 LR Ammo 36 Grain PTCS 36gr n/a 225 $29.19 $0.13 CheaperThanDirt
57m !
CCI Sub Sonic Polymer Blue Coated Lead Nose Ammo 22LR - CCI Sub Sonic Ammo Polymer Blue Coated Lead NoseCCI Clean-22 Sub Sonic .22 Long Rifle Ammunition 100 Rounds 40 Grain Polymer Blue Coated Lead.. 40gr n/a 100 $13.31 $0.133 CheaperThanDirt
56m !
CCI Sub-Sonic Lead HP Ammo 22LR - CCI Sub-Sonic Ammo Lead HPCCI Sub-Sonic HP .22 Long Rifle Ammunition 100 Rounds 40 Grain Lead Hollow Point 1050fps 40gr n/a 100 $13.59 $0.136 CheaperThanDirt
56m !
Remington Viper PTCS Ammo 22LR - Remington Viper Ammo PTCSRemington 22 Viper .22 LR Ammo 36 Grain PTCS 36gr n/a 100 $13.62 $0.136 CheaperThanDirt
57m !
Aguila Super Extra CP Solid Point Ammo 22 Short - Aguila Super Extra Ammo CP Solid PointAguila Super Extra .22 Short Ammunition 29 Grain Copper Plated Solid Point 1095 Fps 29gr n/a 50 $6.89 $0.138 CheaperThanDirt
56m !
Aguila Supermaxium CP Lead Solid Ammo 22LR - Aguila Supermaxium Ammo CP Lead SolidAguila Supermaxium .22 Long Rifle Ammunition 50 Rounds CP Lead Solid 30 Grains 1B222298 30gr n/a 50 $6.89 $0.138 CheaperThanDirt
56m !
Fiocchi Field Dynamics Subsonic HP Ammo 22LR - Fiocchi Field Dynamics Subsonic Ammo HPFiocchi Field Dynamics .22 LR Subsonic Ammo 40 Grain HP 1060 Fps 40gr n/a 50 $6.89 $0.138 CheaperThanDirt
55m !
Remington Target LRN Ammo 22LR - Remington Target Ammo LRNRemington Target .22 Long Rifle Ammunition 40 Grain LRN 1150 Fps 40gr n/a 100 $13.90 $0.139 CheaperThanDirt
57m !
CCI Short Lead RN Ammo 22 CB - CCI Short Ammo Lead RNCCI CB Short .22 Short Ammunition 100 Rounds Lead Round Nose 29 Grains 0026 29gr n/a 100 $14.82 $0.148 CheaperThanDirt
56m !
CCI CP RN Ammo 22 Long - CCI Ammo CP RNCCI .22 Long Ammunition 100 Rounds Copper Plated RN 29 Grain 29gr n/a 100 $14.89 $0.149 CheaperThanDirt
56m !
Bulk Wolf Performance Match Extra Made Eley Ammo 22LR - Bulk Wolf Performance Match Extra Ammo Made EleyWolf Performance Match Extra .22LR Ammunition Made By Eley 40gr n/a 5,000 $749.89 $0.15 CheaperThanDirt
56m !
Ammo CCI High Speed Copper Coated Ammo 22 Short - Ammo CCI High Speed Copper CoatedAmmo .22 Short CCI High Speed Copper Coated 29 Grain 100 Round Box 1080 Fps 27 29gr n/a 100 $15.10 $0.151 CheaperThanDirt
58m !
Armscor Precision Short CP LRN Ammo 22 WMR - Armscor Precision Short Ammo CP LRNArmscor Precision .22 Short Rimfire Ammunition 50 Rounds 29 Grain CP LRN 1094fps 29gr n/a 50 $7.58 $0.152 CheaperThanDirt
56m !
CCI Sub-Sonic Segmented HP Ammo 22LR - CCI Sub-Sonic Ammo Segmented HPCCI Quiet-22 .22 LR Sub-Sonic Ammunition 50 Rounds Segmented HP 40 Grain 40gr n/a 50 $7.89 $0.158 CheaperThanDirt
56m !
CCI CB Sub-Sonic Ammo 22 Long - CCI CB Sub-Sonic AmmoCCI .22 Long CB Long Sub-Sonic Ammunition 100 Rounds 29 Grain CB Bullet 710fps 29gr n/a 100 $15.94 $0.159 CheaperThanDirt
56m !
Bulk Wolf Performance Match Extra Made Eley Ammo 22LR - Bulk Wolf Performance Match Extra Ammo Made EleyWolf Performance Match Extra .22LR Ammunition Made By Eley 40gr n/a 500 $79.89 $0.16 CheaperThanDirt
56m !
Eley High Velocity Hollow HP Ammo 22LR - Eley High Velocity Hollow HPEley High Velocity Hollow 22 LR 50 Rounds Ammo 38 Grain HP 1250 Fps 38gr n/a 50 $8.60 $0.172 CheaperThanDirt
56m !
Winchester Super-X Hyper Velocity Ammuntiion CP HP Ammo 22LR - Winchester Super-X Hyper Velocity Ammuntiion CP HPWinchester Super-X Hyper Velocity .22LR Ammuntiion 100 Rounds Copper Plated HP Ammo 40 Grain 40gr n/a 100 $17.50 $0.175 CheaperThanDirt
58m !
Bulk CCI Suppressor Lead HP Ammo 22LR - Bulk CCI Suppressor Ammo Lead HPCCI Suppressor .22LR Ammunition 5000 Rounds Lead Hollow Point 45 Grain 970 Fps 45gr n/a 5,000 $899.89 $0.18 CheaperThanDirt
56m !
Bulk Aguila Interceptor CPSP Ammo 22LR - Bulk Aguila Interceptor CPSPAguila Interceptor .22 LR Ammo 40 Grain CPSP 1000 Rounds 40gr n/a 1,000 $189.09 $0.189 CheaperThanDirt
56m !
Eley Target RN Ammo 22LR - Eley Target RNEley Target .22 LR Ammo 40 Grain RN 50 Round Box 40gr n/a 50 $9.46 $0.189 CheaperThanDirt
56m !
Eley Subsonic Hollow LHP Ammo 22LR - Eley Subsonic Hollow Ammo LHPEley Subsonic Hollow .22LR Ammunition 50 Rounds LHP 38 Grain 38gr n/a 50 $9.50 $0.19 CheaperThanDirt
56m !
Aguila Interceptor CP HP Ammo 22LR - Aguila Interceptor Ammo CP HPAguila Interceptor .22 LR Ammunition 40 Grain CP HP 1470 Fps 40gr n/a 50 $9.89 $0.198 CheaperThanDirt
56m !
Aguila Interceptor CPSP HV Ammo 22LR - Aguila Interceptor Ammo CPSP HVAguila Interceptor .22 LR Ammunition 50 Rounds 40 Grain CPSP HV 1470 Fps 40gr n/a 50 $9.89 $0.198 CheaperThanDirt
56m !
Aguila Sniper Subsonic LRN Ammo 22LR - Aguila Sniper Subsonic Ammo LRNAguila Sniper Subsonic .22 LR Ammunition 60 Grain LRN 950fps 50 Rounds 60gr n/a 50 $9.89 $0.198 CheaperThanDirt
56m !
Aguila Pistol Match Competition LRN Ammo 22LR - Aguila Pistol Match Competition Ammo LRNAguila Pistol Match Competition .22LR Ammunition 50 Rounds 40 Grain LRN 925 Fps 40gr n/a 50 $9.89 $0.198 CheaperThanDirt
56m !