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FoundryOutdoors - Rimfire Ammo

FoundryOutdoors Rimfire Ammo. Page 1 of 4

Free to High
Description Grains FPS Rounds Price PPR
Retailer Updated
Aguila Super Extra High Velocity CP Solid Point Ammo 22LR - Aguila Super Extra High Velocity CP Solid PointAguila 1B220328 Super Extra High Velocity 22 LR Ammo 40 Gr Copper-Plated Solid Point 50 Rounds 40gr n/a 50 $2.66 $0.053 FoundryOutdoors
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Bulk Aguila High Vel Lead HP Ammo 22LR - Bulk Aguila Ammo High Vel Lead HPAguila Ammo .22Lr High Vel. 1280Fps. 38Gr. Lead Hp 500-Pk 1B221118 38gr 1,280 500 $30.31 $0.061 FoundryOutdoors
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Bulk Aguila High Vel Lead RN Ammo 22LR - Bulk Aguila Ammo High Vel Lead RNAguila Ammo .22Lr High Vel. 1255Fps. 40Gr. Lead Rn 500-Pk 1B221115 40gr 1,255 500 $30.31 $0.061 FoundryOutdoors
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Winchester USA CP HP Ammo 22LR - Winchester Ammo USA CP HPWinchester Ammo 22LR333HP USA 22 LR 36 Gr Copper Plated Hollow Point (CPHP) 333 Can/ 10 Cs 36gr n/a 333 $20.53 $0.062 FoundryOutdoors
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Winchester Bulk Plated HP Ammo 22LR - Winchester Ammo Bulk Plated HPWinchester Ammo .22LR 333 Bulk Pack 1280fps. 36gr. Plated HP 36gr 1,280 333 $21.02 $0.063 FoundryOutdoors
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Bulk Winchester Bulk Plasted HP Ammo 22LR - Bulk Winchester Ammo Bulk Plasted HPWinchester Ammo .22LR 555 Bulk Pack 1280fps. 36gr. Plasted HP 36gr 1,280 555 $35.30 $0.064 FoundryOutdoors
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Armscor High-Vel Lead-HP 50 Ammo 22LR - Armscor Ammo High-Vel Lead-HP 50Armscor Ammo .22LR High-Vel 36gr. Lead-HP 50-Pack 36gr n/a 50 $3.38 $0.068 FoundryOutdoors
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CCI Blazer Lead RN Ammo 22LR - CCI Blazer Lead RNCCI 0021 Blazer 22LR Lead Round Nose Ammo 40GR 50 Per Box/100 Per Case 40gr n/a 50 $3.42 $0.068 FoundryOutdoors
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CCI Standard Velocity Lead RN Ammo 22LR - CCI Standard Velocity Lead RNCCI 0035 Standard Velocity 22 LR Lead Round Nose Ammo 40 GR 50Bx/100Cs 40gr n/a 50 $3.44 $0.069 FoundryOutdoors
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CCI Blazer Ammo 22LR - CCI Ammo BlazerCCI Ammo Blazer .22LR 1200fps. 40gr. Lead-RN50-Pack 40gr 1,200 50 $3.51 $0.07 FoundryOutdoors
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Federal Champion AutoMatch Solid Ammo 22LR - Federal Champion AutoMatch SolidFederal AM22 Champion AutoMatch 22LR Solid Ammo 40 GR 325Box/10Case - 325 Rounds 40gr n/a 325 $23.01 $0.071 FoundryOutdoors
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Bulk Federal Small Game Target BYOB CP HP Ammo 22LR - Bulk Federal Small Game Target BYOB CP HPFederal 750BKT1375 Small Game Target BYOB 22 LR Ammo 36 Gr Copper Plated Hollow Point (CPHP) 1375.. 36gr n/a 1,375 $97.72 $0.071 FoundryOutdoors
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Federal Champion Solid Brick Ammo 22LR - Federal Champion Solid BrickFederal Champion 22LR Ammo 40 Grain Solid 325 Round Brick AM22 40gr n/a 325 $23.22 $0.071 FoundryOutdoors
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Bulk Federal Champion CP HP Ammo 22LR - Bulk Federal Champion CP HPFederal 745 Champion 22 LR Copper-Plated Hollow Point Ammo 36 GR 525Box/10Case - 525 Rounds 36gr n/a 525 $37.69 $0.072 FoundryOutdoors
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Bulk Federal Champion Brick HP Ammo 22LR - Bulk Federal Champion Brick HPFederal Champion 22LR Ammo 36 Grain Hollow Point 525 Round Brick 745 36gr n/a 525 $37.99 $0.072 FoundryOutdoors
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Bulk CCI Blazer Lead L 10 RN Ammo 22LR - Bulk CCI Blazer Lead L 10 RNCCI 10022 Blazer Rimfire Value Pack 22 LR Ammo 38 Gr 1235 Fps Lead Round Nose (LRN) 525 Bx/10 Cs 38gr 1,235 525 $38.00 $0.072 FoundryOutdoors
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Rem 50 Ammo 22LR - Rem Ammo 50Rem Ammo .22 Long Rifle 50-Pk n/a n/a 50 $3.63 $0.073 FoundryOutdoors
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Federal Lighting Solid Ammo 22LR - Federal Ammo Lighting SolidFederal Ammo 22LR Lighting Solid 1240fps. 40gr. 50Pack 40gr 1,240 50 $3.63 $0.073 FoundryOutdoors
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Winchester Power Point Max 50- HP Ammo 22LR - Winchester Ammo Power Point Max 50- HPWinchester Ammo Power Point Max .22LR 42gr. Power Point HP 50-Pack 42gr n/a 50 $3.66 $0.073 FoundryOutdoors
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Federal CP HP Ammo 22LR - Federal CP HPFederal 725 Value Pack 22 LR Ammo 36 Gr Copper Plated Hollow Point (CPHP) 325 Bx/ 10 Cs 36gr n/a 325 $23.85 $0.073 FoundryOutdoors
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Bulk Remington Golden High Velocity Bucket Plated C HP Ammo 22LR - Bulk Remington Ammo Golden High Velocity Bucket Plated C HPRemington Ammunition 1622B Golden Bullet High Velocity Bucket O'ɻullets 22 Long Rifle (LR).. 36gr n/a 5,600 $412.23 $0.074 FoundryOutdoors
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CCI Blazer Lead L RN Ammo 22LR - CCI Blazer Lead L RNCCI 10026 Blazer 22 LR Ammo 38 Gr Lead Round Nose (LRN) 425 Bx/ 8 Cs 38gr n/a 425 $31.72 $0.075 FoundryOutdoors
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Remington Golden High Velocity Plated HP Ammo 22LR - Remington Ammo Golden High Velocity Plated HPRemington Ammunition 21229 Golden Bullet High Velocity 22 Long Rifle (LR) 36 GR Plated Hollow Point.. 36gr n/a 225 $16.92 $0.075 FoundryOutdoors
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Bulk Remington Thunderbolt RN Ammo 22LR - Bulk Remington Ammo Thunderbolt RNRemington Ammunition TB22B Thunderbolt 22 LR Round Nose 40 GR 500Box/10Case - 500 Rounds 40gr n/a 500 $38.16 $0.076 FoundryOutdoors
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Bulk Federal Range Lead L RN Ammo 22LR - Bulk Federal Range Lead L RNFederal 729B800 Range 22 LR Ammo 40 Gr Lead Round Nose (LRN) 800 Bx/ 4 Cs 40gr n/a 800 $61.50 $0.077 FoundryOutdoors
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Bulk Remington Thunderbolt LRN Ammo 22LR - Bulk Remington Ammo Thunderbolt LRNRemington Ammo .22 LR Thunderbolt 40gr. LRN - 5000 Rounds (Case) 40gr n/a 5,000 $397.40 $0.08 FoundryOutdoors
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Armscor Solid Point Ammo 22 Short - Armscor Solid PointArmscor 50415 Rimfire 22 Short Ammo 29 Gr Solid Point 50 Bx/ 100 Cs 29gr n/a 50 $3.99 $0.08 FoundryOutdoors
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Bulk Winchester Blk Copr Plted Ammo 22LR - Bulk Winchester Ammo Blk Copr PltedWinchester Ammo .22LR M22 1255fps. 40gr. Blk Copr Plted RN1000Pack 40gr 1,255 1,000 $82.84 $0.083 FoundryOutdoors
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Browning BPR Performance Lead RN Ammo 22LR - Browning Ammo BPR Performance Lead RNBrowning Ammo B194122400 BPR Performance 22 Long Rifle 40 GR Lead Round Nose 400 Rounds 40gr n/a 400 $33.78 $0.085 FoundryOutdoors
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CCI 100 Case LRN Ammo 22LR - CCI 100 Case LRNCCI 960 Quiet-22 22 LR Ammo 40GR LRN 50 Box/100 Case 40gr n/a 50 $4.31 $0.086 FoundryOutdoors
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CCISpeer Hunting Game Point Ammo 22LR - CCISpeer Hunting Game PointCCI/Speer Hunting 22LR Ammo 40 Grain Game Point 50 Round Box 960 40gr n/a 50 $4.31 $0.086 FoundryOutdoors
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Bulk Winchester Wildcat Lead L Bulk RN Ammo 22LR - Bulk Winchester Ammo Wildcat Lead L Bulk RNWinchester Ammo WW22LRB Wildcat 22 LR 40 Gr Lead Round Nose (LRN) 500 Bx/ 10 Cs (Bulk) 40gr n/a 500 $43.33 $0.087 FoundryOutdoors
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Remington Cyclone HP Ammo 22LR - Remington Ammo Cyclone HPRemington Ammunition CY22HP Cyclone 22 LR Hollow Point 36 GR 50Box/100Case 36gr n/a 50 $4.35 $0.087 FoundryOutdoors
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Federal Standard CP HP Ammo 22LR - Federal Standard CP HPFederal AE22 Standard 22 LR Copper Plated Hollow Point Ammo 38GR 40Box/100Case 38gr n/a 40 $3.50 $0.088 FoundryOutdoors
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Federal American Eagle CP High Velocity HP Ammo 22LR - Federal American Eagle CP High Velocity HPFederal American Eagle 22LR Ammo 38 Grain Hollow Point Copper Plated High Velocity 40 Round Box.. 38gr n/a 40 $3.53 $0.088 FoundryOutdoors
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Federal Small Game Target BYOB CP HP Ammo 22LR - Federal Small Game Target BYOB CP HPFederal 750BTL450 Small Game Target BYOB 22 LR Ammo 36 Gr Copper Plated Hollow Point (CPHP) 450.. 36gr n/a 450 $40.06 $0.089 FoundryOutdoors
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Rem HV Plated HP Ammo 22LR - Rem Ammo HV Plated HPRem Ammo 1622 22LR 36GR HV Plated Hollow Point 50Bx/100Cs 36gr n/a 50 $4.47 $0.089 FoundryOutdoors
3h !
Remington High Velocity Plated LRN Ammo 22LR - Remington Ammo High Velocity Plated LRNRemington Ammo .22 Long Rifle 100-Pack High Velocity 40gr. Plated LRN 40gr n/a 100 $8.98 $0.09 FoundryOutdoors
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CCI Target Plinking Lead L RN Ammo 22LR - CCI Target Plinking Lead L RNCCI 975CC Target Plinking Quiet-22 22 LR Ammo 45 Gr Lead Round Nose (LRN) 50 Bx/ 100 Cs 45gr n/a 50 $4.50 $0.09 FoundryOutdoors
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Federal HP Ammo 22LR - Federal Ammo HPFederal Ammo .22LR 1260fps. 38gr. Hollow Point 40Pack 38gr 1,260 40 $3.63 $0.091 FoundryOutdoors
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CCI Mini-Mag Segmented HP Ammo 22LR - CCI Mini-Mag Segmented HPCCI 36CC Mini-Mag 22 Long Rifle (LR) Ammo 40 GR Segmented Hollow Point 100 Bx/ 50 Cs 40gr n/a 100 $9.19 $0.092 FoundryOutdoors
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Fed Bucket HP Ammo 22LR - Fed Ammo Bucket HPFed Ammo .22Lr 1260Fps. 36Gr Hp 450 Round Bucket 750Btl450 36gr 1,260 450 $41.36 $0.092 FoundryOutdoors
3h !
CCISpeer Mini Mag Gilded Lead HP Ammo 22LR - CCISpeer Mini Mag Gilded Lead HPCCI/Speer Mini Mag 22LR Ammo 36 Grain Gilded Lead Hollow Point 100 Round Box 31 36gr n/a 100 $9.21 $0.092 FoundryOutdoors
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CCI Varmint CP HP Ammo 22LR - CCI Varmint CP HPCCI 0031 Varmint 22 Long Rifle Copper-Plated Hollow Point Ammo 36 GR 100Box/50 Case - 100 Rounds 36gr n/a 100 $9.21 $0.092 FoundryOutdoors
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CCISpeer Mini Mag Gilded Lead Ammo 22LR - CCISpeer Mini Mag Gilded LeadCCI/Speer Mini Mag 22LR Ammo 40 Grain Gilded Lead Roundnose 100 Round Box 30 40gr n/a 100 $9.21 $0.092 FoundryOutdoors
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Remington High Velocity Lead-HP Ammo 22LR - Remington Ammo High Velocity Lead-HPRemington Ammo .22 Long Rifle 50-Pack High Velocity 36gr. Lead-HP 36gr n/a 50 $4.61 $0.092 FoundryOutdoors
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Rem HV Plated HP Ammo 22LR - Rem Ammo HV Plated HPRem Ammo 1600 22LR 36GR HV Plated Hollow Point 100Bx/50Cs - 100 Rounds 36gr n/a 100 $9.28 $0.093 FoundryOutdoors
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CCI Mini-Mag Ammo 22LR - CCI Ammo Mini-MagCCI Ammo Mini-Mag .22LR 1235fps. 40gr. Lead-RN100-Pack. 40gr 1,235 100 $9.42 $0.094 FoundryOutdoors
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CCI Mini-Mag Lead-HP 100 Ammo 22LR - CCI Ammo Mini-Mag Lead-HP 100CCI Ammo Mini-Mag .22LR 1260fps. 36gr. Lead-HP 100-Pack. 36gr 1,260 100 $9.42 $0.094 FoundryOutdoors
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Remington Viper Truncated Cone Solid 100 Case Ammo 22LR - Remington Ammo Viper Truncated Cone Solid 100 CaseRemington Ammunition 1922 Viper 22LR Truncated Cone Solid 36GR 50 Box/100 Case 36gr n/a 50 $4.78 $0.096 FoundryOutdoors
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