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38 Special Ammo

3,295 Results Found. Page 22 of 66

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Description Grains FPS Rounds Price PPR
Retailer Updated
ILA 38 SPECIAL 125GR JHP-50RD 10BX/CS Ammo AGUILA 38 SPECIAL 125GR JHP-50RD 10BX/CSAGUILA 38 SPECIAL Ammo 125GR JHP-50RD 10BX/CS 125gr n/a 50 $25.70 $0.51 Sentry Ammo
7m !
tech 38C Range/Training Semi-Jacketed Soft Point Flat 158 Grain .38 Special 755 Fps Ammo Magtech 38C Range/Training Semi-Jacketed Soft Point Flat 158 Grain .38 Special 755 FpsMagtech 38C Range/Training Semi-Jacketed Soft Point Flat Ammo 158 Grain .38 Special 755 Fps 158gr n/a 1,000 $514.13 $0.51 Sentry Ammo
7m !
CCI Blazer Subsonic Centerfire Lead Cartridge RN Ammo 38 Special - CCI Blazer Subsonic Centerfire Ammo Lead Cartridge RN - $12.95 FLAT RATE SHIPPINGCCI Blazer Subsonic Centerfire Ammunition 38 Special Lead Round Nose 158 Grain - 50 Cartridge Box (.. 158gr n/a 50 $25.71 $0.51 GlobalOrdnance
4h !
Remington UMC JHP Ammo 38 Special - Remington Ammo UMC JHPRemington Ammunition L38S2B UMC 38 Special JHP 125 GR 100Box/6Case - 100 Rounds 125gr n/a 100 $51.44 $0.51 FoundryOutdoors
4h !
Bulk PMC Bronze Battle FMJ Ammo 38 Special - Bulk PMC Bronze Battle FMJPMC Bronze Battle Pack 38 Special Ammo 132 Grain Full Metal Jacket 132gr n/a 600 $309.99 $0.52 Bereli
5h !
Blazer JHP +P Ammo 38 Special - Blazer JHP +PBlazer 38 Special P Ammo 125 Grain JHP 50 Rounds 125gr n/a 50 $25.85 $0.52 Wideners
4m !
Magtech Flat FMC Ammo 38 Special - Magtech Flat FMCMagtech 38 Special Ammo 125 Grain FMC Flat 50 Rounds 125gr 938 50 $25.85 $0.52 Wideners
4m !
Remington UMC MC Ammo 38 Special - Remington UMC MCRemington UMC 38 Special Ammo 130 Grain MC - 50 Rounds 130gr n/a 50 $25.85 $0.52 Wideners
4m !
Fiocchi LWC Ammo 38 Special - Fiocchi LWCFiocchi 38 Special Ammo 148 Grain LWC 50 Rounds 148gr n/a 50 $25.85 $0.52 Wideners
4m !
Sellier & Bellot LRN Ammo 38 Special - Sellier & Bellot LRNSellier & Bellot 38 Special Ammo 158 Grain LRN - 50 Rounds 158gr n/a 50 $25.85 $0.52 Wideners
4m !
Federal American Eagle LRN Ammo 38 Special - Federal American Eagle LRNFederal 38 Special Ammo 158 Grain American Eagle LRN - 50 Rounds 158gr n/a 50 $25.85 $0.52 Wideners
4m !
Speer Lawman TMJ Ammo 38 Special - Speer Lawman TMJSpeer Lawman 38 Special Ammo 125 Grain TMJ 50 Rounds 125gr n/a 50 $25.85 $0.52 Wideners
4m !
Fiocchi Shooting Dynamics FMJ Ammo 38 Special - Fiocchi Shooting Dynamics FMJFiocchi Pistol Shooting Dynamics 38 Special Ammo 130 Grain FMJ - 50 Rounds 130gr n/a 50 $25.85 $0.52 Wideners
4m !
Speer Lawman TMJ +P Ammo 38 Special - Speer Lawman TMJ +PSpeer Lawman 38 Special P Ammo 158 Grain TMJ - 50 Rounds 158gr n/a 50 $25.85 $0.52 Wideners
4m !
CCI FMJ +P Ammo 38 Special - CCI FMJ +PCCI 38 Special P Ammo 158 Grain FMJ - 50 Rounds 158gr n/a 50 $25.85 $0.52 Wideners
4m !
ington Ammunition L38S11 UMC 38 Special 130 Gr Full Metal Jacket (FMJ) Ammo Remington Ammunition L38S11 UMC 38 Special 130 Gr Full Metal Jacket (FMJ)Remington Ammunition L38S11 UMC 38 Special 130 Gr Full Metal Jacket (FMJ) 130gr n/a 1,000 $517.28 $0.52 Sentry Ammo
8m !
ington 23771 UMC Value Pack Semi Jacketed Hollow Point 125 Grain .38 Special P 945 Fps Ammo Remington 23771 UMC Value Pack Semi Jacketed Hollow Point 125 Grain .38 Special P 945 FpsRemington 23771 UMC Value Pack Semi Jacketed Hollow Point Ammo 125 Grain .38 Special P 945 Fps 125gr n/a 1,000 $517.35 $0.52 Black Basin Outdoors
7m !
ington 23771 UMC Value Pack Semi Jacketed Hollow Point 125 Grain .38 Special P 945 Fps Ammo Remington 23771 UMC Value Pack Semi Jacketed Hollow Point 125 Grain .38 Special P 945 FpsRemington 23771 UMC Value Pack Semi Jacketed Hollow Point Ammo 125 Grain .38 Special P 945 Fps 125gr n/a 1,000 $517.37 $0.52 Ammo Hero
7m !
Sellier & Bellot SP Ammo 38 Special - Sellier & Bellot Ammo SPSellier & Bellot .38 Special Ammunition 50 Rounds SP 158 Grains SB38C 158gr n/a 50 $25.89 $0.52 CheaperThanDirt
2m !
cchi 38B Defense Dynamics Jacketed Hollow Point 158 Grain .38 Special 850 Fps Ammo Fiocchi 38B Defense Dynamics Jacketed Hollow Point 158 Grain .38 Special 850 FpsFiocchi 38B Defense Dynamics Jacketed Hollow Point Ammo 158 Grain .38 Special 850 Fps 158gr n/a 500 $259.24 $0.52 Black Basin Outdoors
7m !
cchi 38B Defense Dynamics Jacketed Hollow Point 158 Grain .38 Special 850 Fps Ammo Fiocchi 38B Defense Dynamics Jacketed Hollow Point 158 Grain .38 Special 850 FpsFiocchi 38B Defense Dynamics Jacketed Hollow Point Ammo 158 Grain .38 Special 850 Fps 158gr n/a 500 $259.24 $0.52 Ammo Hero
7m !
scor FAC385N Lead 158 Grain .38 Special Ammo Armscor FAC385N Lead 158 Grain .38 SpecialArmscor FAC385N Lead Ammo 158 Grain .38 Special 158gr n/a 1,000 $518.53 $0.52 Sentry Ammo
7m !
ington .38 Special 130 Gr Full Metal Jacket (FMJ) BUCKET Ammo Remington .38 Special 130 Gr Full Metal Jacket (FMJ) BUCKETRemington .38 Special Ammo 130 Gr Full Metal Jacket (FMJ) BUCKET 130gr n/a 300 $155.65 $0.52 Sentry Ammo
8m !
Bulk Fiocchi Range Dynamics Of FMJ Ammo 38 Special - Bulk Fiocchi Range Dynamics Of FMJ - $12.95 FLAT RATE SHIPPINGFiocchi Range Dynamics 38 Special Ammo 130 Grain FMJ Case Of 1000 130gr n/a 1,000 $519.00 $0.52 GlobalOrdnance
4h !
Bulk Fiocchi Range Dynamics Of FMJ Ammo 38 Special - Bulk Fiocchi Range Dynamics Of FMJ - $12.95 FLAT RATE SHIPPINGFiocchi Range Dynamics 38 Special Ammo 158 Grain FMJ Case Of 1000 158gr n/a 1,000 $519.00 $0.52 GlobalOrdnance
4h !
Lead Sellier Bellot LFN Ammo 38 Special - Lead Ammo Sellier Bellot LFN50 Round Box - 38 Special 158 Grain LFN Lead Bullet Ammo By Sellier Bellot - SB38L 158gr n/a 50 $25.95 $0.52 SGammo
3m !
Fiocchi Brass Case FMJ Ammo 38 Special - Fiocchi Ammo Brass Case FMJFiocchi Ammunition - 38 Special - 158 Grain Full Metal Jacket - 50 Rounds - Brass Case 158gr n/a 50 $25.95 $0.52 MiwallCorp
19m !
Bulk Can SP Sellier Bellot Ed In Canister JSP Ammo 38 Special - Bulk Can SP Ammo Sellier Bellot Ed In Canister JSP500 Round Can - 38 Special 158 Grain JSP Soft Point Ammo By Sellier Bellot - SB38C - Packed In M19A1 158gr n/a 500 $259.50 $0.52 SGammo
3m !
Bulk Can Lead Sellier Bellot Ed In Canister LFN Ammo 38 Special - Bulk Can Lead Ammo Sellier Bellot Ed In Canister LFN500 Round Can - 38 Special 158 Grain LFN Lead Bullet Ammo By Sellier Bellot - SB38L - Packed In.. 158gr n/a 500 $259.50 $0.52 SGammo
3m !
Bulk HP Magtech SJHP +P Ammo 38 Special - Bulk HP Magtech Ammo SJHP +P1000 Round Case - 38 Special P 125 Grain SJHP Hollow Point Magtech Ammo - 38F 125gr n/a 1,000 $519.00 $0.52 SGammo
3m !
eral .38 Special American Eagle 158 Grain Lead Round Nose Ammunition (50 Rounds) Ammo Federal .38 Special American Eagle 158 Grain Lead Round Nose Ammunition (50 Rounds)Product Features & Specifications Federal AE38B American Eagle Handgun 38 Special Ammo 158 Gr Lead.. 158gr n/a 50 $25.98 $0.52
5h !
lier & Bellot 38 Special 158 Grain Soft-Point Box Of 50 Ammo Sellier & Bellot 38 Special Ammo 158 Grain Soft-Point Box Of 50Sellier & Bellot 38 Special Ammo 158 Grain Soft-Point Box Of 50 158gr 889 50 $25.99 $0.52 TargetSportsUSA
8m !
cchi Cowboy Action 38 Special 158 Grain Lead Flat Point Box Of 50 Ammo Fiocchi Cowboy Action 38 Special Ammo 158 Grain Lead Flat Point Box Of 50Fiocchi Cowboy Action 38 Special Ammo 158 Grain Lead Flat Point Box Of 50 158gr 644 50 $25.99 $0.52 TargetSportsUSA
8m !
38 Special - 158 Grain - RNFP Lead Ammo Armscor - 38 Special - 158 Grain - RNFP Lead 158.0gr n/a 50 $25.99 $0.52 True Shot Ammo
6m !
Fiocchi Range Dynamics Subsonic Centerfire Cartridge FMJ Ammo 38 Special - Fiocchi Range Dynamics Subsonic Centerfire Ammo Cartridge FMJ - $12.95 FLAT RATE SHIPPINGFiocchi Range Dynamics Subsonic Centerfire Ammunition 38 Special Full Metal Jacket 130 Grain - 50.. 130gr n/a 50 $25.99 $0.52 GlobalOrdnance
4h !
Fiocchi Shooting Dynamics Subsonic Centerfire Cartridge FMJ Ammo 38 Special - Fiocchi Shooting Dynamics Subsonic Centerfire Ammo Cartridge FMJ - $12.95 FLAT RATE SHIPPINGFiocchi Shooting Dynamics Subsonic Centerfire Ammunition 38 Special Full Metal Jacket 158 Grain -.. 158gr n/a 50 $25.99 $0.52 GlobalOrdnance
4h !
ila .38 Special FMJ 130 Grain 50 Rounds Ammo Aguila Ammo .38 Special FMJ 130 Grain 50 RoundsLoad Up With 50 Rds. Of Aguila .38 Special 130 Grain FMJ Ammo. Smooth Feeding And Straight Shooting.. 130gr n/a 50 $25.99 $0.52 SportsmansGuide
5h !
38 Special - 130 Grain - FMJ Ammo Aguila - 38 Special - 130 Grain - FMJ 130.0gr n/a 50 $25.99 $0.52 True Shot Ammo
6m !
UMC - 38 Special - 130 Grain - FMJ Ammo Remington - UMC - 38 Special - 130 Grain - FMJ 130.0gr n/a 50 $25.99 $0.52 True Shot Ammo
6m !
Bulk Free Shipping Ammo Fiocchi Cowboy Action 38 Special Ammo 158 Grain Lead Flat Point Case Of 500 (10 Boxes Of 50) - Bulk FREE SHIPPINGFiocchi Cowboy Action 38 Special Ammo 158 Grain Lead Flat Point Case Of 500 (10 Boxes Of 50) - Free.. 158gr 644 500 $259.90 $0.52 TargetSportsUSA
8m !
Bulk Free Shipping Ammo Sellier & Bellot 38 Special Ammo 158 Grain Soft-Point Case Of 1000 (20 Boxes Of 50) - Bulk FREE SHIPPINGSellier & Bellot 38 Special Ammo 158 Grain Soft-Point Case Of 1000 (20 Boxes Of 50) - Free Shipping 158gr 889 1,000 $519.80 $0.52 TargetSportsUSA
8m !
MagTech Flat Metal Jacket Ammo 38 Special - MagTech Ammo Flat Metal JacketMagTech Ammo 38 Spl 158gr Flat Metal Jacket Flat 50rds/Bx 158gr n/a 50 $25.99 $0.52 LohmanArms
4m !
MagTech FMJ Ammo 38 Special - MagTech Ammo FMJMagTech Ammo 38 Spl 130 Gr FMJ 50/bx 130gr n/a 50 $25.99 $0.52 LohmanArms
4m !
Sellier & Bellot [MPN FMJ Ammo 38 Special - Sellier & Bellot [MPN FMJSellier & Bellot .38 SPECIAL Ammo 158gr FMJ - 50 Rounds MPN SB38P 158gr n/a 50 $25.99 $0.52 FirearmsDepot
4h !
Sellier & Bellot FMJ Ammo 38 Special - Sellier & Bellot FMJSellier & Bellot 38 Special Ammo 158 Gr FMJ 50/bx 158gr n/a 50 $25.99 $0.52 LohmanArms
4m !
CCI JHP +P Ammo 38 Special - CCI Ammo JHP +PCCI 38 Special Ammo - 50 Rounds Of 125 Grain JHP P Ammunition 125gr n/a 50 $25.99 $0.52
5h !
Aguila HP JHP +P Ammo 38 Special - Aguila Ammo HP JHP +PAguila 38 Special P Ammunition 1E382527 125 Grain Jacketed Hollow Point 50 Rounds Hollow Point 125gr n/a 50 $25.99 $0.52 OutdoorLimited
5h !
Sellier & Bellot Lead RN Ammo 38 Special - Sellier & Bellot Lead Ammo RNSellier & Bellot - Lead Round Nose - 158 Grain 38 Special Ammo - 50 Rounds 158gr n/a 50 $25.99 $0.52 CheapAmmo
5m !
Federal Lead RN Ammo 38 Special - Federal Lead Ammo RNFederal - Lead Round Nose - 158 Grain 38 Special Ammo - 50 Rounds 158gr n/a 50 $25.99 $0.52 CheapAmmo
5m !
Fiocchi Shooting Dynamics HP JHP Ammo 38 Special - Fiocchi Shooting Dynamics Ammo HP JHPFiocchi 38 Special Shooting Dynamics Ammunition FI38B 158 Grain Jacketed Hollow Point 50 Rounds.. 158gr n/a 50 $25.99 $0.52 OutdoorLimited
4h !